A man named Ryousuke Oomine threatens Kazuyoshi Onda, the president of a game company, to pay his game designer the money he deserves. During the dispute, Oomine accidentally shoots Onda with a gun and leaves the crime scene. The next day, Ran and Sonoko take Conan out to an ice-cream parlor in the mall. Conan overhears Takagi and a police officer discuss the how a young girl has been kidnapped and held hostage by Oomine. Conan searches for the girl at the parking lot and frees her from Oomine's grasp. However, Oomine captures Conan and uses him as his hostage. While pursued by the police, the two hide in the basement of a warehouse. Conan analyzes Oomine and confirming he is un-armed, attempts to escape. An unknown man however attempts to shoot Conan but is saved by Oomine. Elsewhere Kogoro investigates Oomine's friends and realizes three other people has the motive to kill Onda. Conan realizing there is more to the case then a simple murder, calls Professor Agasa to hide him and Oomine from the police.
Après une mission crapuleuse, un sous fifre (Oomine) décide de se rebeller pour emporter une part plus grande du jackpot. Mais par inadvertance, ce dernier tue son employeur.
Afin de profiter d’une réduction de 20% sur les crèmes glacées, Sonoko et Ran emmènent Conan avec elles. Conan découvre en espionnant Takagi qu’Oomine est en fuite et a enlevé une petite fille. Dans le parking souterrain, Conan réussi à la sauver, mais se fait enlever à son tour.
Il presidente di una società di videogiochi viene assassinato per errore. Successivamente, l'omicida rapisce una bambina in un centro commerciale. Conan riesce a liberare l'ostaggio, ma viene catturato dal malvivente e portato in un nascondiglio. Conan non è del tutto convinto che il suo rapitore sia una persona malvagia e contatta il dottor Agasa affinché aiuti l'uomo a sfuggire sia dalla polizia, sia dalla persona che sta tentando di eliminarlo.
Conan ve un secuestro en un aparcamiento y logra poner en libertad a la niña secuestrada, pero el criminal le coge como rehén. Se llama Oomine y es sospechoso de haber matado a un hombre rico. Sin embargo, el criminal parece aliarse con Conan.
Conan veu un segrest en un aparcament i aconsegueix posar en llibertat la nena segrestada, però el criminal l'agafa com a refús. Es diu Oomine i és sospitós d'haver matat un home ric. No obstant, el criminal sembla aliar-se amb Conan.