Later that day, Conan realizes the culprits created a mirage of driving into the air and tells Kogoro they shall capture the witch tomorrow. The next day Conan reveals the pair with the fishing gear to be the culprit. He reveals they a hanged a red headlight on a fishing rod in the fog to create the image they are turning into a road-less area. The culprits appear and challenge Kogoro to a race but are caught when they come upon a road block. The culprits reveal that they used the legend of the witch to scare racers from racing on the mountain. When unattended, the culprits attempt to escape from the police but are intercepted by Miwako Sato. It is revealed afterward Sato was the witch spoken of in the legend four years ago.The tire noise was actually her screaming when drifting without using the handbrake.
Les six suspects sont interrogés mais, de leurs propos, aucune preuve n'émerge. Conan découvre que les coupables ont créé un mirage pour faire flotter la voiture sur le brouillard. La sorcière réapparaît, mais Goro et Yamamura parviennent à arrêter les coupables.
Le sei persone sospettate vengono interrogate, ma, dalle loro parole, non emerge alcuna prova. Conan scopre che i colpevoli hanno creato un miraggio per far sembrare che l'auto galleggi sulla nebbia. La strega si ripresenta, ma Goro e Yamamura riescono a bloccare i colpevoli.
La abuela del Inspector Yamamura declara haber visto a alguien saludándola que puede ser la bruja. Hay seis sospechosos, repartidos en grupos de dos. Dos mujeres, dos hombres y una mujer y un hombre. ¿Logrará Conan encontrar a la bruja?
L'àvia de l'Inspector Yamamura declara haver vist algú saludant-la que pot ser la bruixa. Hi ha sis sospitosos, repartits en grups de dos. Dues dones, dos homes i una dona i un home. ¿Aconseguirà Conan trobar la bruixa?