The Detective Boys decide investigate spooky Ch'teau when a man starts to live there. They find the ch'teau and its garden have been remodelled. The next day, the man living in the château, Rokuro Wada is revealed to have died. They learn from Keiichi Yagami, Wada's agent who sells his paintings, that Wada had been working on a masterpiece at the ch'teau for three months. They decide to search the ch'teau for the painting but to no avail. Afterwards they are visited by Wada's old aunt Saeko Takatoo and her caretaker Mina Eguichi who reveals that Wada sent them a letter telling them to visit the ch'teau tomorrow to view the masterpiece. Eguichi reveals Wada's masterpiece is going to help Takatoo regain her memories which she lost from an accident a year ago. Conan finds a photo revealing a ch'teau Takatoo owned in the past and realizes what Wada's masterpiece is. Conan reveals the masterpiece would be complete tomorrow. The next day, the flowers at the ch'eau have bloomed revealing a scenery similar to the one in the photo. The scenery causes Takatoo to regain her memories of her life
Pendant qu’ils nettoie leur classe lors de l’entretien hebdomadaire, Genta parle à ses amis d’une mystérieuse maison hantée. Mitsuhiko propose alors d’aller la surveiller sur le modèle de la police.
I Detective Boys notano una villa che sta per essere demolita. L'abitazione apparteneva ad un pittore, il quale aveva avvisato il suo gallerista ed una sua anziana zia che in quel luogo avrebbe lasciato la sua ultima opera. I bambini decidono di aiutare le tre persone nella ricerca, ma l'opera d'arte sembra scomparsa.
La liga juvenil de detectives va a una mansión abandonada. Sin embargo, esta casa tiene ahora un bonito y cuidado jardín y un hombre se ha trasladado a ella. Sin embargo, los pequeños notan que no tiene placa con su nombre. Al día siguiente, el reciente dueño de la casa ha muerto, dejando un interesante misterio.
La lliga juvenil de detectius va a una mansió abandonada. No obstant això, aquesta casa té ara un bonic i cuidat jardí i un home s'hi ha traslladat. No obstant això, els petits noten que no té placa amb el seu nom. L'endemà, el recent somni de la casa ha mort, deixant un interessant misteri.