Conan arranges the red shirts in the order they were sent and folds them along the creases and deduces that the way the shirts were folded reveal a code. Elsewhere, Jodie spots Akai is on the floor where the bombing incident is taking place. Conan uses the cashier room's computer in order to search for a disaster that occurred in a snowy mountain on December 28. Okiya, who happens to be on the same floor, examines the red shirt and concludes the sender is related to a disaster that occurred on a snowy mountain and smiles slyly when he notices Akai in the crowd. Conan tranquillizes Kogoro and discloses that the bomber's behaviour is inconsistent; He was desperate to search for the sender of the red shirts, yet he found the time to kidnap and strap a bomb onto the man. Conan then declares that the man strapped with the bombs is actually the bomber.
Un sinistre cortège noir attend à l'extérieur du grand magasin où a lieu l'alerte à la bombe. Ils sont à la recherche de la même personne que les agents du FBI. À l'intérieur, Conan et Kogorô sont en passe d'élucider le mystère, avec l'aide discrète d'un individu mystérieux au visage familier.
Conan capisce che le 13 magliette rosse formano un codice
Conan sigue investigando, todo para descubrir quien ha puesto las bombas, mientras Jodie, Camel, Okiya y "Akai" siguen por el edificio. Fuera, Gin ha empezado a sospechar que tal vez Rena no asesinará a Akai y sea una infiltrada. Después de Okiya vea a "Akai" y a Kogoro le llegue un mensaje desconocido al móvil, Conan duerme a Mouri y empieza a desvelar la verdad del caso de las bombas.
Conan segueix investigant, tot per descobrir qui ha posat les bombes, mentre Jodie, Camel, Okiya i "Akai" segueixen per l'edifici. Fora, Gin ha començat a sospitar que tal vegada Rena no assassinarà Akai i sigui una infiltrada. Després d'Okiya vegi "Akai" i a Kogoro li arribi un missatge desconegut al mòbil, Conan dorm a Mouri i comença a desvetllar la veritat del cas de les bombes.