Hayate is helping Shun with his summer homework and suggests he reads Igarashi Motoharu's novel for his book review assignment. However, Shun doesn't like reading anything but manga, so he thinks he should just ask the author and contacts Motoharu. Meanwhile, on his way to Mawarimichi Cafe, Souma sees a bunch of people dressed for the summer festival and thinks they should all go.
Shun continua enrolado com a lição de férias de verão. Com isso, Asami conta um episódio engraçado sobre o aniversário de seu irmão mais novo.
Shun quält sich immer noch mit den Ferienhausaufgaben. Kaum ist er mit Mathe fertig, steht die elende Buchrezension auf dem Plan. Und Shun liest ja so gern. Aber Moment – er ist ja mittlerweile mit einem Autor befreundet! Vielleicht kann er sich so das Lesen sparen …