Souma quer passear com seus novos amigos durante o verão, mas ainda não sabe para onde ir.
Souma is really susceptible to cracking up, and even memories will put him into laughing fits. But being self-conscious about this, he always tries to hide it. When he does this again at a clothing store his friend works at, the friend asks him why he does that, especially when it's so easy to tell anyway. Later, Shun also repeats the same sentiment...
Manchmal mögen unsere Freunde genau die Seiten an uns, die uns am meisten zu schaffen machen, ohne dass wir davon wissen. Ein ehrliches Gespräch kann so viel verändern.
يبحث سوما عن ملابس مناسبة لرحلة شاطئ مع أصدقائه. يخبره شون في وقت لاحق بأنّه ليس عليه إخفاء ابتسامته والخجل منها لأنّه رجل.