"Hayate and Takayuki have come to the stadium to cheer Shun on in his handball tournament, but for some reason Shun's friend Souma is missing. It turns out that he went onto the wrong train... Meanwhil Shun is really fired up about winning as much as possible to prolong being together in a team with his teammates who will retire after this event, but the hype backfires and he can't quite perform right..."
Chegou o grande dia para Shun! E valendo a tão sonhada vaga no intercolegial, o rapaz quer fazer bonito pra todo mundo ver!
Shun will seinen Freunden beweisen, dass auch er cool sein kann. Seine Bühne ist die Turnhalle, Handball seine Disziplin. Dummerweise steht einiges auf dem Spiel, was eine gewaltige Herausforderung für seine Nerven ist.