Thanks to Odd, Jeremy comes up with the idea of getting source codes back from specters, thus reducing and weakening XANA's strength and power greatly. The plan works, and they trap a specter, but things go horribly wrong when it ends up on Lyoko in the form of blackish-green particles, severely damaging and disabling the scanners and putting the Lyoko Warriors it touches into a coma-like state with black and green eyes.
Jeremy can't bring the others back or even send William to help because of the damage to the scanners. The specter then tries to throw Yumi into the Digital Sea. Odd enters the Desert Way Tower and Jeremy uploads the codes they stole from the spectre into him. Odd races to the activated tower with the spectre in hot pursuit. He enters the tower and reaches the floating panel, but the spectre then enters the tower after him. Odd deactivates the tower moments before the spectre touches him.
Meanwhile Aelita resorts to social networking to try and find her mother. After the mission Jeremy tells her the good news: they were able to steal 4% of XANA's power and Odd is capable of deactivating towers again. Aelita then tells Jeremy the good news: she is getting dozens of responses about her long-lost mother as dozens of people all over the world join the effort to find Anthea.
Dok daju Aeliti neko vreme da traži svoju majku, Lioko ratnici odluče da ometaju Ksenin napredak. Da bi to uradio, DŽeremi ima plan: da uhvati spektar i da vrati njegove kodove. Operacija se odvija bez problema i spektar se nalazi u skeneru. Ali kada DŽeremi dobije njegove kodove, spektar počinje da uništava skenere i dečak nema izbora nego da ga virtuelizuje u Lioko. Ali spektar se onda pretvara u čudan oblak čestica koje su razarajuće za Lioko ratnike…
بفضل اود، توصل جيرمي إلى فكرة استعادة رموز المصدر من الأطياف، وبالتالي تقليل وإضعاف قوة اكزانا وقوته بشكل كبير. تعمل الخطة، وهم يصطادون شبحًا، لكن الأمور تسوء بشكل فظيع عندما ينتهي به الأمر في الليوكو في شكل جزيئات خضراء مائلة إلى اللون الأسود، مما يؤدي إلى إتلاف شديد وتعطيل الماسحات الضوئية ووضع محاربي اليوكو التي تلامسها في حالة تشبه الغيبوبة مع عيون سوداء وخضراء.