Aelita dreams of her long-lost mother, Anthea. She wakes up and goes to see Jeremy, but finds Laura there with him, both working on the virus to destroy the Cortex. A hurt Aelita leaves, and Laura smugly denies that there was anyone at the door. Jeremy and Laura finish the virus and the group plans to implement it that afternoon, but Odd gets detention and Ulrich sprains his ankle, forcing both of them to opt out. William, Aelita and Yumi go in.
By the time they reach the center of the Cortex, only Aelita remains. She accesses the mainframe and finds a webcam stream of Tyron working in his lab at that very moment. She observes the stream for a minute, telling Jeremy what's going on, then moves to infect the Cortex with the virus. But then she looks up, and sees her mother in the office with Tyron, also working on part of the project. After a moment of confusion, Aelita firmly insists on destroying the Cortex and XANA along with it, but Jeremy and the others unanimously decide to abort the mission for now as there is proof that Aelita's mother is indeed alive and a chance of reuniting her with her daughter. Aelita comes back to Earth, upset about not destroying XANA, but her friends convince her that the risk was worth it. And assure her that if XANA gains too much power, they will destroy it and the Cortex immediately; no questions asked.
Mauvaise période pour Aélita : ses cauchemars sont revenus et elle se sent délaissée par Jérémy. Elle est impatiente d'éliminer enfin Xana. Justement, Jérémy et Laura ont mis au point le virus qui devrait détruire le Supercalculateur d'Ikonov. Mais au moment où nos héros organisent ce qui doit être leur ultime mission, les difficultés s'accumulent. Seule Aélita insiste pour continuer, en dépit des obstacles qui se dressent sur la route des Lyokôguerriers...
To je loš trenutak za Aelitu: njene noćne more su se vratile i ona oseća da ga DŽeremi ignoriše. Postaje nestrpljiva da bi konačno eliminisala Ksenu. Srećom, DŽeremi i Lora su ažurirali virus koji bi sada trebalo da uništi Tajronov superkompjuter. Ali kada Lioko ratnici organizuju ono što je trebalo da bude njihova poslednja misija, javljaju se poteškoće. Samo Aelita insistira da nastave, uprkos preprekama na putu za Lioko ratnike…
Mal momento para Aelita: las pesadillas han vuelto y se siente abandonada por Jeremy. Tiene muchas ganas de eliminar a Xana definitivamente. Precisamente, Jeremy y Laura han desarrollado el virus debe poder destruir el superordenador de Ikonov. Pero cuando nuestros héroes organizan lo que debería ser su última misión, las dificultades se acumulan. Aelita sólo insiste en continuar, a pesar de los obstáculos en el camino que se topan los Guerreros de Lyoko...
تحلم أليتا بأمها المفقودة منذ فترة طويلة، أنثيا. تستيقظ وتذهب لرؤية جيريمي، لكنها تجد لورا هناك معه، وكلاهما يعملان على الفيروس لتدمير القشرة. تغادر اليتا المصابة، وتنفي لاورا بتهور أن يكون هناك أي شخص عند الباب. أنهى جيريمي ولورا الفيروس وتخطط المجموعة لتنفيذه بعد ظهر ذلك اليوم، لكن اود يتعرض للاحتجاز ويلوي أولريتش كاحله، مما أجبر كلاهما على الانسحاب.