As he works on his bike, Rivalz finds out that Suzaku got to know Lelouch a long time ago when Lelouch visited for a summer. Rivalz remarks that this is his first time with someone who knew Lelouch in his childhood since Lelouch doesn’t personally talk about it. Suzaku then recognizes Rivalz’s bike and recalls that he met someone with one when he was working in maintenance and washing cars before he joined the military. Rivalz figures out that it was a female and guesses that it was Suzaku’s sister or mother, but Suzaku explains that he doesn’t have a family and that this person he was indebted to has also… When Rivalz realizes that he hit on a bad subject, Suzaku tells him not to worry. Rivalz then asks about Suzaku’s home, so Suzaku reveals that he has none and is renting a room nearby courtesy of the military unit he works with. Hearing this, Rivalz suggests the school dormitory and offers his own room because he doesn’t have a roommate. Suzaku, however, cites his work and says that he chose to enter the army. Still, he thanks Rivalz. Inside the Lancelot’s hanger, Lloyd is hard at work while humming to himself when Cecile comes to tell him of some documents he has to get together. Lloyd thinks that she should know his way of doing things after they’ve been together for so long since their university laboratory days. He gets her flustered by saying that she really likes research, but that is because she initially misinterprets his phrase to mean that she really likes him. Suzaku then shows up and reports for duty, but Cecile feels that he should say taidaima when he comes in. She insists that rank and nobility should be disregarded here, and since Lloyd doesn’t disapprove, she tells Suzaku to say it as if he were coming home because this place is like their home. Suzaku then says taidaima like he thinks she wants him to, but Cecile instructs him to say it louder and with more feeling, so he says it again. Cecile tries to respond with a welco