Während Chaika und Co. mit Claudia kämpfen, kommen ihnen andernorts alte Bekannte zuvor. Gleichzeitig stellt sich weiter die Frage, wer Chaika ist. Kaiser Gazu soll auf einer versteckten Insel ein Erbe hinterlassen haben…
As Chaika, Toru and Akari try to find a way to beat Claudia, elsewhere, Red Chaika and her group defeats another Hero, Glen Donkervoort, acquiring Arthur's right arm and heading towards an island as suggested by their informant Guy. Eventually, Chaika manages to shorten her spell and defeat Claudia after the latter is distracted by Fredrika in her cat form. Claudia congratulates the group by hosting a tea party to celebrate. Meanwhile, Konrad's secretary Karen Bombardier gives Vivi Alberic's investigation notes on Emperor Arthur before rejoining the Corps with Alberic's sword in hand. Back at Claudia's estate, she reveals to Toru's group why she has no interest with Arthur's remains and gave hers to Chaika and tells her secret. During the end of the war, the Eight Heroes learn one of Arthur's officials escape with Arthur's hidden fortune and most of his magic research work to a secret island, and despite the Council attempts, they could not find the island or Arthur's magic research. After giving Toru group the location of the Heroes, Claudia bid them farewell. Soon Toru's group learns Red Chaika has already claim one of Arthur's remains from Glen while Chaika wants to find the secret island to learn about her origins.
Le combat entre Claudia et Tôru, Akari et Chaika a commencé. Ils essuient plusieurs revers avant d'échafauder leur ultime plan d'attaque. Réussiront-ils à vaincre Claudia et remporter le morceau du corps ? Pendant ce temps, les recherches menées par l'équipe Gillet continuent.
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