Während Chaika und ihre Begleiter mit einer weiteren Heldin jener Truppe, die ihren Vater zu Fall brachte, kämpft, wird Gilettes Truppe befohlen, die Verfolgung fortzusetzen. Vivi hat sich derweil anderen Fragen zu stellen.
During last days of the war, Emperor Arthur Gaz orders one of his official to be charge in charge of a secret project involving Chaika. A month after the events of the Soara, Toru, Akari, Chaika duels with Lady Claudia Dodge, another of the Eight Heroes and her men but Chaika loses to Claudia. Despite this, Claudia allows Chaika and her companions to stay at her estate. Toru and the others learn after the war, Claudia hired out of work soldiers to her vineyard and despite being one of the Heroes, she is willing to give Arthur's heart to Chaika if she and her companions beat her in a duel tomorrow. Taking Claudia's advice, Chaika tries to learn to shorten her incantations to fire her spells faster. Meanwhile, with the Council now taking the Chaika threat more seriously, Konrad orders the Gillette Corps to continue their mission with Nikolai promoted as Captain of the Corps after Alberic's death. Elsewhere, Vivi is confronted by Guy and refuses to believe him when he tells her she is another Chaika albeit one that did not transform completely. Despite being a half-Chaika, Guy believes Vivi can still help in gathering Arthur's remains. The next day, despite being unable to learn short incantations, Chaika insist on beating Claudia fair and square as she, Toru and Akari battle Claudia in their duel.
Chaika est de retour ! Toujours accompagnée de Tôru, Akari et Frédérica, notre quatuor continue sa quête des morceaux de corps de l'empereur Gaze. Celle-ci les mène à la rencontre de Claudia, l'un des huit héros qui s'est reconverti dans un vignoble. De leur côté, Nicolaï est toujours à la recherche de Gillet, et ils ne savent pas comment gérer Vivi qui se serait transformée en Chaika.
항천요새의 사건으로 새로운 챠이카가 등장하자 대륙 수뇌부는 혼란에 빠진다.
한편, 챠이카와 난파사 일행은 8인의 영웅 중의 하나인 클로디아와 황제의 시체를 놓고 승부를 벌이고 있었는데…