In the near future, an amnesiac Casshern fights anti-human robots on a desolate Earth. Most of the humans were killed in an apocalyptic war when he was serving under the direction of Braiking Boss after he assassinated a girl named Luna. During his quest to find out who he is, Casshern befriends a human girl named Ringo. However, Ringo finds herself to be scared of Casshern after he kills a robot who was trying to attack her. Not long after, he faces against an anti-Casshern mercenary named Lyuze.
In un futuro prossimo, un androide di nome Kyashan vaga su una Terra desolata. La maggior parte degli esseri umani furono uccisi in una guerra apocalittica dai robot guidati da Bryking Boss. Durante la sua ricerca per scoprire chi sia, Kyashan fa amicizia con una bambina robot di nome Ringo.