Yoigoshi's successful raid has earned his team 3 points. Noukin thought they had momentum on their side, but with Takaya scoring a huge number of points and Rokugen executing perfect defense, the tables are turned and the point spread grows larger and larger. The fact that all of Takaya's attention is trained on Ojo sitting on the bench makes Yoigoshi angry. With the widening point gap, Azemichi's injury, and Noukin's weakening mental fortitude, the only one who can save them would have to be...
A partida entre Noukin e Souwa acabou de começar. Yoigoshi mostra o que tem aprendido, mas o ace do time adversário, Takaya, mostra que tem muito a oferecer.
A partida entre Noukin e Souwa acabou de começar. Yoigoshi mostra o que tem aprendido, mas o ace do time adversário, Takaya, mostra que tem muito a oferecer.
Nôkin lutte pour revenir au score, mais les joueurs de Sôwa étant extrêmement complets, l'écart se creuse au fil de la première mi-temps. Masato fait sa rentrée et retrouve un ancien camarade de jeu qui souhaite prendre sa revanche.
Das Übungsmatch gegen Souwa geht weiter, aber es läuft nicht gut für die Mannschaft. Takaya hat keine Probleme, alle Spieler aus dem Feld zu werfen. Und dann kommt auch noch der gegnerische Kapitän, Rokugen, in den Angriff ...