This is the fourth film in the BUNGO Japanese Literature Cinema (BUNGO Nihon Bungaku Shinema) series dramatizing short stories by the masters of Japanese literature. The original work was by Akutagawa Ryunosuke, and the film was directed by Kumakiri Kazuyoshi, who also directed NON-KO (Nonko 36 Sai ). One day, Sakurada Ryuichi (Tsukamoto Takashi) visits an Indian magician named Matiram Mithra (Murakami Jun). The magician tells Sakurada, who has asked to be taught magic, that in order to learn magic, he must rid himself of his desires. One month later, Sakurada has the chance to display his magic before his friends, but...
Name | Type | Role | |
Tomoe Kanno | Writer | ||
谷崎潤一郎 | Writer | ||
橋本光二郎 | Director |