Buffy wird von Alpträumen gequält, in denen Drusilla Angel vernichtet. Zur gleichen Zeit taucht bei Jenny Calendar ein geheimnisvoller Zigeuner auf. Er erinnert sie daran, dass Angel weiterhin unter dem Fluch leiden soll, den ihm ihr Volk vor langer Zeit als Strafe auferlegt hat. Sobald Angel wahres Glück erlebt, wird der Fluch wirkungslos – und er verwandelt sich wieder in einen Vampir. Durch Buffy könnte er dieses Glück erleben, also muss Jenny die beiden auseinanderbringen
On Buffy's 17th birthday, Drusilla prepares to awaken a powerful demon named The Judge who was brought forth a thousand years ago to rid the Earth of the plague of humanity. His body was dismembered by an army and the parts were buried in every corner of the Earth but somehow all the parts have made their way to Sunnydale. Buffy intercepts one of his arms and Ms Calendar convinces Angel to take it to the most remote region possible. Unknown to everyone else, Jenny Calendar is actually Janna, a descendant of the Romany clan who cursed Angel and has been sent to Sunnydale to ensure that the curse isn't lifted. Buffy and Angel say their goodbyes at the docks when they are ambushed by Spike's gang who retrieve the arm and Drusilla is able to reassemble the demon. Buffy and Angel just manage to escape from The Judge and while recuperating in Angel's apartment, they consummate their relationship.
Pour les 17 ans de Buffy, Drusilla et Spike lui réservent une surprise de taille ! Ils ont décidé de redonner vie au « Juge », un démon surpuissant dont les morceaux sont dispersés aux quatre coins du monde. Tandis que Jenny Calendar reçoit la visite de son oncle gitan, Buffy passe sa première nuit d'amour avec Angel. Une catastrophe vient de se produire…
Il giorno del suo diciassettesimo compleanno, Buffy e Angel devono evitare che Spike e Drusilla facciano risorgere Il Giudice, demone che ha il potere di distruggere l'umanità.
El destino del mundo se detiene cuando Spike y Drusilla reúnen las partes desmembradas de un demonio llamado El Juez, quién tiene el poder suficiente para vencer a Buffy. Mientras, el alma atormentada de Angel amenaza con desaparecer al vivir un momento de felicidad.
Buffy má 17. narozeniny a přátelé pro ni pořádají tajnou oslavu. Vše hezké se ovšem může ve vteřině vypařit, protože Spike a Drusilla mají pro přemožitelku také dárek.
Spike ve Drusilla, insanlığı yok edebilecek bir iblis olan Yargıç’ı diriltmek isterler. Buffy, on yedinci doğum gününde Angel ile beraber onları durdurmalıdır.