Finalmente chegou o grande dia do festival escolar da Academia Ninja! Toda a turma está preparada, mas Kawaki não poderá se descuidar da sua missão de cuidar de Kae...
Finalmente chegou o grande dia do festival escolar da Academia Ninja! Toda a turma está preparada, mas Kawaki não poderá se descuidar da sua missão de cuidar de Kae...
The Academy's school festival has finally begun. At the school festival, a large number of people, including Boruto and other graduates, gather and are very busy. Meanwhile, the other day, Kawaki, who had an encounter with someone who seemed to be an assassin aiming for Kae, was worried about it, but he worked hard at rehearsals with his classmates for this day, and was looking forward to today's performance. Looking at Kae who is doing it, I decide not to report the assassin for the time being and watch over Kae so that she can enjoy the school festival to the fullest. However, a sudden bombing incident occurs at the academy, which is crowded with people, and a threatening letter arrives from the criminal.
La fête de l’Académie ouvre enfin ses portes. En attendant le spectacle des élèves, Boruto et ses camarades font le tour des stands. De son côté, Kawaki est sur le qui-vive après l’intrusion nocturne d’un mystérieux individu.
Llega el día del festival y Kawaki está preocupado por un posible ataque. ¿Será un evento pacífico?
Das Akademiefest hat begonnen und Himawaris Klasse will ihr Stück aufführen. Ihre Aufführung wird von einer Bombendrohung unterbrochen. Ein Bombenleger will Chaos auf dem Akademiegelände stiften. Jedoch hat er die Rechnung nicht mit Kawaki gemacht.
يبدأ يوم المهرجان المدرسي ويحضر بوروتو والأصدقاء وعندما تبدأ المسرحية ويحين دور كاي، تتعرض الأكاديمية لهجوم إرهابي!