Als El Coyote auf Platz eins der Most-Wanted-List rückt, machen sich Bud und Barracuda auf die Suche nach ihm.
When El Coyote is moved to the No. 1 spot on the "Most Wanted" list, Bud and Barracuda go gunning for him: Bud because he let him slip across the border; Barracuda because he seeks to regain the top slot on the list. Meanwhile, Ruiz wants to free El Coyote so that an attractive waitress will see him as "more Mexican."
Bud et Barracuda tentent de capturer El Coyote, recherché par le département de sécurité intérieure...
Il Dipartimento di Sicurezza Nazionale mette El Coyote al primo posto nella lista dei ricercati: per motivi diversi, Bud e Barracuda si mettono sulle sue tracce.