The Bentenmaru watches as the ship carrying the information they need is attacked by its own fleet. The princess makes the Fleet stand down, and they get the information they need. The "Golden Ghost Ship" they seek is plotting a dangerous course through nebulas and black holes, and they've got no choice but to go straight after it.
Avant de pouvoir partir à la recherche du vaisseau fantôme doré de Serenity, Marika doit d'abord composer avec la flotte de combat qui vient de faire irruption dans l'espace aérien du système de Tau. Comment réagir quand un vaisseau apparemment en fuite vous annonce qu'il vient livrer une robe à une princesse ? Marika prend son premier cours de diplomatie...
마리카와 그류엘, 그리고 벤텐마루 앞에 나타난 건 한 척의 전함과 세레니티 방위군 함대였다. 신속한 판단을 요구하는 급박한 상황속에서 마리카가 선택한 방법은...?