Enquanto demônios assolam o mundo, Shiemi de repente é levada para o Vaticano.
A newborn Rin, covered in blue flames, attacked the surrounding exorcists one after another. Rin, shaken by the sight and on the verge of being overtaken by his demonic self, is sent to a certain place in the present by Mephisto. Meanwhile, Yukio, who has left the Knights of the True Cross, and Shima arrive at the Illuminati's aerial fortress, the Dominus Liminis. Accompanied by the executive in charge, Homare Todo, Yukio meets Lucifer. Simultaneously, someone from the Grigori Sedes comes to visit Shiemi.
Tandis que Shiemi se remet du départ de ses amis et notamment de Rin, Yukio fait la rencontre de Lucifer.
Shiemi viene portata al Vaticano non appena si riprende, mentre Rin si prepara a scoprire la verità sulla Notte Blu.
Mientras Rin descansa un poco después de ver el pasado con sus propios ojos, Yukio se reúne con Lucifer y a Shiemi se la llevan al Vaticano.
刚出生的婴儿燐,全身被蓝色的火焰包围,接连袭击周围的驱魔师。目睹这一幕,燐内心极度动摇,近乎被恶魔人格控制,梅菲斯特将燐送回了现今的某个地方。与此同时,离开骑士团的雪男,与志摩一起抵达了光明会的空中要塞“境界之主”(Dominus Liminis)。在干部藤堂誉的带领下,他们与路西法会面。与此同时,贤座厅的人也来到了诗惠美的身边。
Zurück in der Gegenwart wird Shiemi in den Vatikan gebracht und hat eine seltsame, aber ermutigende Begegnung auf einer Toilette.