3rd Squad`s Captain Amagai Suusuke wants to start a training exercise with all the 13 Squads. Vice-captain Kira and 3rd seat Kifune fall in a pit were there are a lot of Hollows and Kifune shows his true colors to Kira when Kifune tries to kill a Hollow along with a fellow Death god. Lurichiyo comes back to Soul Society alone.
Da quando ha accolto Shusuke Amagai come nuovo capitano, la Terza Compagnia ha lavorato sodo. Ma i compiti che Shusuke assegna loro non sono quelli che uno shinigami si aspetterebbe.
Desde la bienvenida de Shushuke Amagai como el nuevo Capitán, la 3ª División ha tenido que trabajar duro. Pero las labores asignadas por el Capitán son unas que ningún Shinigami se podría imaginar.
De Kapitein van de derde divisie, Amagai Suusuke, wil een trainingsoefening beginnen met de 13 divisies.