Die nächsten Kämpfe des großen Auswahlturniers stehen an und zunächst dürfen Luck und Klaus ihr Können unter Beweis stellen. Im Anschluss daran ziehen Yuno und Noelle gemeinsam in die Schlacht. Für die Kriegerin des Schwarzen Stiers steht dabei einiges auf dem Spiel, da sie gegen ihren älteren Bruder Solid antritt und dem arroganten Mann endlich zeigen will, dass sie ihn besiegen kann. Auch Yuno hat mit einem Rivalen zu kämpfen.
Klaus and Luck demonstrate how their skills have improved and after a short fight they are victorious as Luck defeats Rob with a powerful lightning kick that also destroys the crystal. Noelle is teamed with Yuno and En Ringard from the Green Praying Mantises. The instant the match begins Solid is determined to defeat and mock Noelle. Taking advantage of this Noelle moves to attack Solid's crystal knowing he will be unable to resist chasing her. Yuno faces Alecdora Sandler, a fellow Golden Dawn member who hates Yuno for becoming Vangeance's favourite despite being a peasant. Solid's teammate Dmitri Brint is immobilised by En's Mushroom magic. Noelle faces Solid alone and though Solid scratches her face she realises that his water magic no longer frightens her. Yuno easily defeats Alecdora without any help from Sylph. Meanwhile, Noelle finally destroys Solid's crystal with her Sea Dragon's Roar, knocking him out.
Le premier tour du tournoi touche à sa fin, et nous parions que vous êtes impatients de voir ce que des équipes rassemblant d'une part Luck et Klaus et de l'autre Noelle et Yuno donneront… Mais n'oubliez pas le plus palpitant : Noelle va avoir l'occasion d'affronter Solid, son arrogant grand frère !
La lotta della squadra di Klaus e Luck si è conclusa in loro favore. Poi tocca alla squadra di Yuno e Noelle.
エン・リンガードは、ユノを敵視する “金色の夜明け”団のアレクドラ・サンドラー、
금색의 여명단의 클라우스, 푸른 들장미단의 풀리 엔젤, 럭이 한 팀을 이룬 시합이 시작됐다. 걱정 많은 클라우스와 폭주하는 럭, 한껏 상기된 풀리는 예상 외로 잘 어우러져 멋진 승부를 펼친다.
그리고 1회전 마지막 시합. 유노와 노엘이, 유노에 반감을 품은 샌들러, 노엘을 무시하는 오빠 솔리드에 맞서 싸운다.
A luta entre o time de Klaus e Luck está resolvida, mas eles vencerão? Em seguida, chega a vez da equipe de Noelle e Yuno, confrontando Noelle com seu irmão Solid, que a despreza.
El combate del equipo de Klaus y Luck se resuelve, pero ¿ganarán? Luego el equipo de Noelle y Yuno llega a su turno, enfrentándose Noelle a su hermano Solid, quien la menosprecia.
A luta entre o time de Klaus e Luck está resolvida, mas eles vencerão? Em seguida, chega a vez da equipe de Noelle e Yuno, confrontando Noelle com seu irmão Solid, que a despreza.
يبدأ فريق لاك مباراته الصعبة ويليهم فريق يونو ونويل التي ستواجه أخاها سوليد الذي لطالما كانت تخاف منه ويستهزئ بها
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