"Tyson und seine Freunde fahren mit ihrem Coach in ein Trainingscamp in der Wildnis. Tyson erfährt, dass Kai das Team verlassen hat. Er ist maßlos enttäuscht und entscheidet sich für Daichi als seinen neuen Partner. Tyson geht mit ihm in die Wildnis zum Trainieren. Dort verirren sie sich. Als sie auch noch in einen Fluß fallen, verlieren sie ihre ganze Ausrüstung und ihr Essen. "
The BBA Revolution Team heads to a remote training camp to prepare for the upcoming tournament. When they first arrive, Hiro tells Tyson that Kai has quit the team. Tyson is ready to quit to, but Hiro convinces him to choose a new partner. Tyson picks Daichi, then whisks him off into the wilderness to teach him survival skills as they relate to Beyblading. The plan works well until Tyson strays from the main path, and gets himself and Daichi hopelessly lost. From there it is one disaster after another: They fall in the river, lose all their equipment, and eventually get trapped by a raging forest fire. Only by working together, and using their Beyblades in perfect unison, can they save themselves and the forest. Of course that is easier said than done when it comes to Tyson and Daichi. In the end, however, they get the job done – and Tyson realizes that Daichi does in fact have what it takes to be his partner in the championship tournament.
El equipo BBA Revolution se dirige a un campo de entrenamiento remoto para prepararse para el próximo torneo. Cuando llegan por primera vez, Hiro le dice a Tyson que Kai ha renunciado al equipo. Tyson está listo para dejarlo, pero Hiro lo convence de elegir un nuevo compañero. Tyson elige a Daichi, luego lo lleva al desierto para enseñarle habilidades de supervivencia en lo que respecta a Beyblading. El plan funciona bien hasta que Tyson se desvía del camino principal, y él y Daichi se pierden irremediablemente.