Dylan se vrátil z Havaje. Erika zůstala u Iris. Valerie chce peníze. Jones jí peníze dává, ale chce, aby s ním dále spolupracovala. Ray hraje v "Po setmění". Ariel, která Donně přebrala Davida, mu nabídne smlouvu. Brandon napíše článek na obranu profesora Finleyho. Studenti proti tomu protestují. Ray smlouvu odmítá. Andrea se stýká s Peterem. Finley chce, aby se Kelly rozešla s Brandonem.
Je intensiver Kelly sich mit den Lehren von Finley beschäftigt, desto mehr entfernt sie sich von ihren Freunden. Auch als die Universität dem Professor kündigt, will sie weiter bei ihm lernen. Schließlich drängt er sie, den Kontakt zu Brandon abzubrechen. Andrea sorgt sich um Hannahs Gesundheit.
Kelly alienates her friends as she becomes more deeply involved with Finley's cause. Brandon writes an editorial supporting Finley in the hopes of getting back into Kelly's good graces. The university elects to oust Finley, who vows to continue his teachings elsewhere. He urges Kelly to break it off with Brandon, as he feels that Brandon distracts her from the "evolution." A record company pursues Ray, and Ariel is the A&R representative who must seal the deal. Donna and David warn Ray to stay away from Ariel, but he insists that their relationship will remain strictly business. Ray rejects the contract because it would require him to surrender his publishing rights. After a visit to Hawaii to ensure that the two get along, Dylan decides to leave Erica with Iris. Valerie demands compensation for her role in retrieving Erica and the money, and finds Dylan's $10,000 offer unsatisfactory. Jonesy agrees to a much larger payoff if she promises to work with him again. Andrea worries about Hannah's health as Jesse prepares to leave town for an interview. He suggests that she call Peter for reassurance. Andrea winds up going on a date with Peter, where they share a public kiss. Music: 'Why' / 'I Know the Game' by Jamie Walters, 'Every Day of the Week by Jade, 'My Guy' by Mary Wells, 'One' by Three Dog Night.
Le Dr Finlay est démis de ses fonctions. Avec l'aide de Kelly et d'autres étudiants, il fait grève et refuse de quitter ses élèves. Valerie demande une récompense à Dylan...
Kelly, sempre più influenzata dalle teorie di Finley, si allontana da tutti i suoi amici. Valerie convince Dylan a darle 10.000 $ per averlo aiutato in Brasile e poi chiede soldi anche a J.J. Jones. Dylan torna dalle Hawaii con Erica, che ora vive lì con Iris. Jesse va a San Francisco per dei colloqui e Andrea e Peter si baciano. Ariel, la ragazza che aveva causato la rottura fra David e Donna, torna nella vita di Donna quando offre a Ray un contratto discografico.
La continua implicación de Kelly con el profesor Finley y el conflicto de él con la facultad para mantener su puesto de trabajo frustra a Brandon, ya que él conoce la actitud hostil y paranoica de Finley. Mientras tanto, Valerie busca una recompensa por ayudar a Dylan a recuperar su dinero y le dice a él y a Jones que la incluyan en el reparto. La antigua amiga de David, Ariel Hunter, ahora representante de una discográfica, regresa y anima a Ray a firmar un contrato con ellos, lo que preocupa mucho a Donna. Además, Andrea juega con el peligro cuando comienza a ver a Peter mientras que Jesse está trabajando.