When Saitou and the others learn that their friend has died and been buried in the wastelands at the edge of town, they gamble on a slim hope and spring into action. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to them, Morlock has had an unusual spell cast on him.
Após a notícia chocante, Saitou e seus amigos começam a pensar nas possibilidades a partir daquele momento. Mas nem tudo estava perdido.
Empoisonné, Morlock succombe, à la grande surprise de son groupe. Malheureusement, ils se rendent compte que son corps n'est pas complet, ce qui va a priori compliquer la résurrection.
El grupo se niega a aceptar que Morlock haya muerto. Con todas las probabilidades en contra, intentarán recurrir a la magia para resucitarlo, pero ¿será suficiente?
Morlock ist tot? Wie konnte das nur passieren?
Saitou und die anderen zögern nicht lange, sie müssen Morlock wiederbeleben. Doch damit das glückt, muss der Körper vollständig intakt sein. Leider wurde Morlock jedoch von einem Hund angeknabbert...
멀록이 사망해서 마을 바깥의 황야에 묻혔다는 사실을 알게 된 사이토 일행은 한 가닥 희망을 걸고 행동을 개시한다. 그런데 멀록에게는 생각지도 못했던 마법이 걸려 있었는데.