Jintan will einen neuen Anlauf versuchen, wieder in die Schule zu gehen. Dort hilft er Anaru aus der Klemme, welche sich in die „Geheimbasis" der Freunde zurückzieht. Zusammen mit Poppo suchen sie Menmas Elternhaus auf.
Trying to figure out Menma's wish, Jinta decides to make his long-delayed return to school. However, his return is overshadowed over rumours about Naruko having been spotted at a love hotel. As Naruko becomes noticeably upset by all the nasty gossip surrounding her, Jinta stands up for her, and both leave class right away. With Naruko troubled about her parents hearing about the news, she decides to stay at the secret base. Hoping if there are any clues to what Menma's wish might be Jinta, Naruko and Tetsudō visit Menma's house to pay their respects, where they meet her mother, who gives them Menma's diary which they agree to read the next day. When Jinta mentions the visit to Menma, she becomes upset as she wanted her mother to forget about her so that she wouldn't be sad. Jinta in turn yells at her for never thinking of herself and runs off.
Jintan décide de se rendre au lycée pour aider Menma. Celle-ci lui dit qu'il ne devrait pas se forcer à y aller car sa mine renfrognée va inquiéter les autres.
Jinta decide di andare a scuola per aiutare Menma a raggiungere il Nirvana, ma la compagna teme che il suo atteggiamento spaventi gli studenti.
'멘마'를 성불시키기 위하여 '진탄'은 다시 학교를 가기로 결심한다. 무리하지 말라는 '멘마' 였지만 용기를 내서 결국 학교에 가게 되는 '진탄'. 하지만 정작 학교에서는 오랜만에 등교한 '진탄'에 관한건 뒤로 제쳐둔 채, 다른 이야기가 화제가 되고 있었는데...
Jintan se decide a volver a la escuela como Menma le pidió una vez, pero cuando llega descubre que no recibe tanta atención como esperaba, y es que cierto rumor que circula sobre Anaru es lo que más interesa a sus compañeros.