Die „falsche" Menma stellte sich als verkleideter Yukiatsu heraus. Dieser fühlt sich verantwortlich für Menmas Tod und erinnert sich an sein Liebesgeständnis, bei dem Menma ihn rundheraus abwies. Anaru kommt am nächsten Tag in Bedrängnis, aus der sie von Yukiatsu gerettet wird.
Atsumu blames himself for Menma's death, and Menma has Jinta tell him things that only she and Atsumu know of. Later, Chizuru explains how she caught onto his obsession with Menma. Atsumu recalls ten years ago, when he confessed to Menma shortly after Jinta ran off, only to be rejected. Meanwhile, Jinta wonders why he hasn't been so focused on fulfilling Menma's wish lately. The next day, Naruko goes to a karaoke bar with her friends, when a boy forces her to a love hotel. However she is saved by the arrival of Atsumu. On the train ride home, Atsumu asks Naruko about her feeling's for Jinta. She is conflicted whether or not she 'likes' him. Meanwhile, Tetsudō tells Jinta his theory that Menma is around because she couldn't ascend to Heaven, but this just makes her upset.
La Menma que Yukiatsu dit avoir vue est en fait Yukiatsu déguisé, à la grande surprise de ses amis. Il s'effondre, et Jintan essaie de lui parler.
Quando Yukiatsu si traveste fingendosi lo spirito di Menma e sconcertando gli amici, Jinta cerca di parlare al ragazzo.
'유키아츠'가 보았다고 하는 '멘마'는 '유키아츠' 자신이 여장한 모습이었다. 그 사실에 당혹감을 감추지 못하는 친구들. 그리고 '진탄' 은 넘어진 채 움직이지 않는 '유키아츠' 에게 말을 거는데...
La otra Menma era Yukiatsu en realidad, a quien la culpabilidad hace que la conciencia no le deje descansar. El veneno de la muerte de Menma poco a poco abandona su cuerpo y eso hace que incluso se acerque a alguien más.