Die Sommerferien stehen an und Futabas alte Freundinnen aus Tokio kommen zu Besuch nach Izu. Natürlich lässt sie es sich bei der Gelegenheit nicht nehmen, Chizuru und Akane auf einen Tauchgang mitzunehmen und ihnen so ihre geliebte Unterwasserwelt vorzustellen. Doch sorgt das Kennenlernen mit ihrer neuen besten Freundin Hikari auch für leichte Spannungen unter den Mädchen. (BD-Special, Amanchu! OVA, Amanchu Episode 13)
Futaba's friends from her old school, Chizuru and Akane, come to Izu to pay her a visit. As Hikari and Kino give them a tour of the town, Chizuru starts to feel jealous over how close Futaba is with Hikari. The next day, Chizuru and Akane are invited to take part in a beginner's diving course. In her eagerness to keep up with Futaba, Chizuru experiences severe pain from forgetting to equalize her ears. Thankfully, she is helped out by Hikari, who leads her the rest of the way and shows her the beauty of the ocean. Afterwards, Chizuru gives Hikari her gratitude and apologises for her attitude towards her before returning home with Akane, promising to come again someday.