Futaba and Hikari invite Ai to hang out with them as they go shopping for logbooks and swimsuits. Afterwards, the girls go to the beach, where Futaba tells Kino about all the things she has learned since meeting Hikari. Futaba expresses her concerns about whether she can become a suitable buddy for Hikari, though Hikari expresses that she's had times when she lost her way as well, saying that it is a chance to have more fun. Afterwards, Futaba finally manages to pass the pool course, allowing her to move on to the Open Diver course with everyone.
어느 일요일 아침, 길치이자 방향치인 테코와 피카리는 한참을 헤매다 다이빙부의 누나선배와 동생선배가 사는 집에 도착한다. 그리고는 곧장 로그북을 사러 쇼핑센터로 향한다. 그들은 오랜 망설임 끝에 대담한 수영복을 사버리는데…