Detective Kisaragi Toko of the Eleventh Section of Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's First Investigative Division was instrumental in solving the case of Tremi, the serial murderer who shocked Japan. Although one year has passed, the trauma she suffered at that time still strickens her. One day, a bizarre murder occurs in a room that has turned a deep red. Toko and Assistant Inspector Takano Hideaki proceed with the investigation based on clues left behind at the crime scene, but realise that they are being followed by a male stranger. The instant they attempt to arrest him, an explosion occurs at a nearby building. The police have to face an unprecedented crisis. Is this a coincide? And will Toko be able to overcome her greatest crisis as a detective?
警視庁捜査一課十一係の刑事、如月塔子は、日本中を震撼させた連続殺人犯“トレミー”の事件を解決に導いたが、1年たってもその時に受けた“トラウマ”に苦しんでいた―。ある日、深紅に染まった部屋での猟奇殺人事件が発生する。現場に残された手掛かりをもとに捜査を進める塔子や警部補の鷹野秀昭だが、見知らぬ男に尾行されていることに気付く。その男を捕らえようとした瞬間、近くの建物で爆発が起こる。未曾有の危機に直面する警察。果たして、これは偶然なのか?そして塔子は刑事としての最大の危機を乗り越えられるのか? シリーズ史上最も、大胆かつ複雑な事件の全貌とは? その衝撃のラストへのカウントダウンが今、始まる!
새빨갛게 물든 방에서 엽기 살인 사건이 발생하고, 현장에 남겨진 단서를 토대로 수사를 하던 중 인근 건물에서 폭파사건이 발생하면서 위기에 직면한 경찰들의 이야기
本劇根據麻見和史的"殺人分析班"系列改編,是去年播出的劇集"石之繭"的續集。 在石之繭中,女主角、搜查一課刑警如月塔子與連環殺人犯托勒密鬥智鬥勇,在破案過程中經受了不少身心創傷,在第二部中如月也將繼續與搭檔鷹野秀昭一起面對新的變態殺人案件。