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Season 1

  • S01E01 Jobs v Gates

    • September 22, 2016
    • BBC ALBA

    Documentary looking at the competition between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. The two men were both ambitious and spirited,both born in the same year and both dropped out of university to pursue a single-minded ambition. Two stars on the same orbit. the two pioneers fought and disagreed, disdained and criticised one another but also reconciled and shared projects and a mutual respect, their lives forever inextricably linked. Jobs and Gates is the story of the greatest duel a single industry has ever seen. Bho deireadh nan seachdadan, stèidhich Bill Gates agus Steve Jobs an rathad air adhart do choimpiutairean, leis a' chòmhstri eadar Mac agus PC aig cridhe na cùis. Bha spiorad agus spionnadh anns an dithis, a rugadh anns an aon bhliadhna, 1955, agus cuideachd, dh' fhàg gach fear an oilthigh airson an cuid amasan a leantainn. Chaidh Jobs agus Gates a-mach air a' chèile tric, ag argamaid agus a' cur sìos air cach a chèile, ach cuideachd bha spèis aontachail eatorra, 's iad ag obrachadh còmhla air pròiseactan bho àm gu àm, a' ciallachadh gu robh na slighean beatha aca air an ceangal ri chèile gu bràth. Seo sgeulachd mun chòmhstri as motha a chunnaic aon gnìomhachas a-riamh.

  • S01E02 Martin Luther King v Malcolm X

    • September 29, 2016
    • BBC ALBA

    More than 40 years after their deaths, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X remain two of the world's most famous political activists. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in October 1964, Martin Luther King was the world-renowned symbol of the American Civil Rights movement. At the same time, Malcolm X was revered as an icon in Africa, where heads of state lined up to receive him. They embody two very different dreams: two characters, two philosophies and visions for America. This programme follows their life stories and how their vision changed history. As dèidh dà dhuais Sìth Nobel a chosnadh ann an 1964, bha Martin Luther King ainmeil mar thosgaire airson iomairt chòraichean catharra Ameireagaidh. Aig an aon àm, bha Malcolm X aithnichte ann an Afraga far an robh cinn-stàite uile airson coinneachadh ris. Bha na h-amasan aig gach fear gu tur eadar- healaichte: dà charactar, feallsanachd agus amas eadar-dhealaichte airson Ameireagaidh. Tha am prògram seo a' leantainn sgeulachdan am beatha agus mar a dh' atharraich iad eachdraidh an t-saoghail.

  • S01E03 Mandela v De Klerk

    • October 6, 2016
    • BBC ALBA

    Would Nelson Mandela have gone down in history without Frederik de Klerk, and vice versa? The question is more than pertinent in view of the extent to which the destinies of South Africa's first black president and the last leader of the apartheid regime are linked. From the liberation of the ANC leader in 1990 to his election in 1994, the two enemies fought a bitter battle in a context of horrendous violence, which left more than 14,000 dead. Through the unrelenting negotiations, and the political and personal conflicts, this film takes us to the heart of the duel that put an end to the most despicable political regime on the planet. Am biodh Nelson Mandela air a bhith cho ainmeil as aonais Frederik de Klerk, no de Klerk as aonais Mandela? Tha am prògram seo gar toirt gu cridhe na còmhstri a chur stad air an riaghaltas poilitigeach a bu mhiosa san t-saoghal.

  • S01E04 Pepsi v Coca-Cola

    • October 13, 2016
    • BBC ALBA

    Pepsi v Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola v Pepsi: a duel between giants which has lasted for more than a century. Pepsi, the eternal challenger, becoming a food giant through acquisitions and diversification. Against it, the market leader, Coca-Cola and its legendary soda, consumed a billion times a day. Two giants, each worth over £20 billion, with more than a hundred thousand employees. They inundate the world with their advertisements, but never talk about their endless conflict. This programme tells the story of the Cola War from its infant days in American drug stores to its multibillion-pound industry in the modern world. Pepsi v Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola v Pepsi: còmhstri a th' air a bhith a' dol còrr air ceud bliadhna eadar dà bhuidheann. Bha Pepsi a-riamh a' sabaid an aghaidh Coca-Cola, a' cosnadh an tuilleadh obair, 's iad a' leasachadh gu bhith reic biadh. Bha Coca-Cola cuideachd aig àrd ìre leis an deoch luachmhor aca air òl air feadh an t-saoghail gach mionaid dhen là. Ged a bha iad a' sanasachd timcheall an t-saoghail, cha robhas a-riamh a' cluinntinn mun chòmhstri a bh' eatorra. Tha am prògram seo ag innse sgeulachd Cogadh an Cola, a' tòiseachadh anns na bùithtean cungaidh ann an Ameireagaidh suas chun an là an-diugh, le gnìomhachas luach na billeanan.

  • S01E05 Adidas v Puma

    • October 20, 2016
    • BBC ALBA

    Adidas v Puma, or Adolf v Rudolf Dassler. A war between two brothers which would rapidly go beyond a family feud, to become a battle of the brands. It would set the basis for the worldwide sports industry and stimulate technological research into improving sports equipment. Not a single event, from the Olympic Games to the most minor village match, was untouched by the brothers' rivalry. If you were wearing the 'three stripes' or sporting a Puma, it was a sign of belonging to a camp, Adolf and Rudolf or the Cain and Abel of the sporting goods. This is the story that made sporting history. Adidas an aghaidh Puma, no Adolf an aghaidh Rudolf Dassler. Cogadh eadar dà bhràthair a chuireadh dithis a-mach air a chèile gu bràth agus a dhèanadh còmhstri eadar na suaicheantasan. Thug a' chòmhstri seo bun-stèidh do ghnìomhachas spòrs an t-saoghail agus bhrosnaich e rannsachadh gus leasachaidhean a dhèanamh air uidheamachd spòrs. Bho na geamaichean Oilimpigeach gu geama bheag air pàirc a' bhaile, bha na bràithrean an sàs, a' sabaid an aghaidh a chèile. Nam biodh na 'trì srianagan' no an t-suaicheantas Puma air an aodach agad, bha thu a' taisbeanadh gu robh thu mar phàirt de sgioba, Adolf agus Rudolph, Cain agus Abel ann an saoghal èideadh spòrs. Seo sgeulachd a bha cudromach ann an eachdraidh spòrs an t-saoghail.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Airbus v Boeing

    • July 20, 2017
    • BBC ALBA

    The story of the rivalry between Boeing and Airbus is no doubt one of the greatest human and technological adventures of the 20th century. But it is also a story of power and influence, driven by geopolitical ambitions and struggles, where deals and contracts define a country's force across the world. This programme features a truly global story, embodying and revealing the transformation of a bi-polar world into a globalised society, in which the industrial giants are both players and witnesses. 'S e an sgeulachd mun chòmhstri eadar Boeing agus Airbus, aon de na gluasadan daonna agus teicnigeach as fheàrr a thachair san 20mh linn. Ach 's e cuideachd sgeulachd a th' ann mu chumhachd agus buaidh, air a stiùireadh le àrd-amasan geopoilitigeach agus strì, far a bheil aontaidhean agus cùmhnantan a' mìneachadh an neart a th' aig dùthaich air feadh an t-saoghail. Tha an sgeulachd a tha seo a' sealltainn cruth atharrachadh a' tighinn air an t-saoghal 's a' foillseachadh comann-sòisealta cruinneil, anns a bheil gnìomhachasan mòra nan cluicheadairean agus nan luchd-fianais.

  • S02E02 Castro v Guevara

    • July 27, 2017
    • BBC ALBA

    Che Guevara, the radical thinker, and Fidel Castro, the political animal - could they ever share the role of Latin America's liberator? Did Che Guevara, the diehard combatant, set off towards certain death in Bolivia? Or did the manipulative Fidel Castro abandon the friend who he saw as an ever-increasing liability. From the birth of a revolutionary friendship in Mexico, theirs was a collaboration akin to a fascinating game of chess, where lies, manipulation and power struggles completely changed the rules of the game. Tha an t-sreath seo, Aghaidh ri Aghaidh a' dèanamh coimeas eadar dithis air a bheil sinn uile eòlach, a' sealltainn a' chòmhstri a bh' eatorra agus mar a thug seo buaidh air ar beatha làitheil. Che Guevara, duine radaigeach, agus Fidel Castro, duine poilitigeach... am b' urrainn dhaibh idir a thighinn còmhla gus Ameireaga Spàinneach a shaoradh? Robh Che Guevara, an ceatharnach treun, a' dol a dh'ionnsaigh bàs ann am Bolivia? No an robh Fidel Castro, mean air mhean, a' feuchainn ris a' charaid aige a thrèigsinn airson an ùghdarrais aige fhèin a dhèanamh nas maireannaich? Bho thoiseach an càirdeas reabhlaideach ann am Meagsaco, tha an co-obrachadh seo air a bhith coltach ri gèam Tàileisg, far an tug breugan agus strì airson cumhachd buaidh air riaghailtean an geama.

  • S02E03 Chanel v Schiaparelli

    • August 3, 2017
    • BBC ALBA

    The biggest name in female fashion design must be Gabrielle Chanel. It seems obvious today, but it wasn't always the case. From the end of the 1920s her supremacy was fiercely contested. Another designer, just as famous and equally admired, disputed the title of the 'queen of haute couture' - Elsa Schiaparelli. Their styles were diametrically opposed. Their clientele were identical. From this paradox was born the most bitter rivalry in the history of high fashion, which gave rise to the most important innovations haute couture has ever seen. In this programme, Marisa Berenson, Schiaparelli's granddaughter, and Claude Delay, a close friend of Chanel's, evoke the lives and rivalry of two great pioneers in the emancipation of women. 'S e Gabrielle Chanel an t-ainm as motha ann an dealbhadh fasain bhoireannaich. Tha e gu math follaiseach an-diugh, ach cha robh e a-riamh mar seo. Bho deireadh nam ficheadan, bha Elsa Schiaparelli, dealbhaiche eile, a' farpais na h-aghaidh gus an tiotal 'queen of haute couture' a ghleidheil. Bha na stoidhlichean aca gu tur eadar-dhealaichte ach 's ann ri na h-aon luchd-ceannachd a bha iad a' farpais. Bhon eadar-dhealachadh seo, thàinig còmhstri, a' chòmhstri a bu mhotha ann an eachdraidh an fhasain ach 's e seo a thug cruth-atharrachadh air a' ghnìomhachas. Anns a' phrògram seo, tha Marisa Berenson, ogha Schiaparelli agus Claude Delay, càraid dha Chanel, ag innse mun bheatha agus mun chòmhstri a bh' eadar an dà dhealbhadair air leth seo, a' sealltainn na rinn iad airson còraichean bhoireannach aig an àm.

  • S02E04 Korolev v von Braun

    • August 10, 2017
    • BBC ALBA

    This is the story of the 20th century's greatest adventure, the conquest of space, told through the intertwining destinies of two men who were its principal architects: Russia's Sergueï Pavlovitch Korolev, and America's Wernher von Braun, a German who was taken to America to head the nation's rocket programme at the end of World War II. Two epic career paths for two exceptional figures. Two geniuses who never even met, but who, over a 40-year period, waged a relentless battle to be the first to reach the moon. The adventure began in the 1930s, on a wasteland in a Berlin suburb or the outskirts of Moscow, and ended on July 20th 1969 on lunar soil, an adventure that included the involvement of figures such as Stalin, Hitler, Nikita Khrushchev, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Walt Disney. 'S e seo sgeulachd an turais as dàna dhan 20mh linn, dha na speuran, air innse tro bheatha dithis, Sergueï Pavlovitch Korolev, an Ruiseanach, agus Wernher von Braun, a rugadh sa Ghearmailt agus a ghluais a dh' Ameireaga. Dà dhreuchd mhòr airson dà dhuine air leth. Dithis ealanta nach do choinnich a-riamh, ach a bha a' strì an aghaidh a chèile thairis air dà fhichead bliadhna airson na gealaich a ruighinn an toiseach. Thòisich an sgeulachd anns na 1930an air làrach air iomall baile Berlin no taobh a-muigh Moscow, agus chrìochnaich e air an 20mh den Iuchar 1969 air a' ghealaich, an dèidh coinneachadh ri leithid Stalin, Hitler, Nikita Khrushchev, John Fitzgerald Kennedy agus Walt Disney.

  • S02E05 Karl Lagerfeld v Yves Saint-Laurent

    • August 17, 2017
    • BBC ALBA

    Karl Lagerfeld and Yves Saint-Laurent; two complex, talented, gifted men that contributed to the heart of a half century of fashion and haute couture. They represent indirectly the changes in French society, the changes in the morals and lifestyles of the 50s all the way to the 2000s, from civil unrest in May 1968, the liberating and excessive 70s, and the 80s marked by money and appearance. It is a story of two men's friendship that became rivalry, fuelled by jealousy, ambition and creativity. Ann an iomadh dòigh, tha iad a' sealltainn na h-atharrachaidhean sòisealta anns an Fhraing a thaobh modhan beatha bho na caogadan suas gu deireadh na linne, bho aimhreit chatharra anns a' Chèitean 1968 gu saorsa nan seachdadan gu na h-ochdadan a bha stèidhichte air airgead agus coltas. 'S e seo sgeulachd mu dà charaid a chaidh an aghaidh a chèile, làn farmad, soirbheachas agus mac-meanmna.

  • S02E06 Rubinstein v Arden

    • August 24, 2017
    • BBC ALBA

    At the heart of a traditionally male-dominated business, Elizabeth Arden and Helena Rubinstein created a new cosmetic industry for generations to come. Pioneers when it came to their products, but also forerunners in the way they developed and managed business empires, and innovative in their ideas for branding and marketing for the 21st century. Arden and Rubinstein together successful businesswomen for a new age, but forever eternal rivals. Tha am prògram seo san t-sreath, Aghaidh ri Aghaidh a' dèanamh coimeas eadar dithis air a bheil sinn uile eòlach, a' sealltainn a' chòmhstri a bh' eatorra agus mar a thug seo buaidh air ar saoghal. Aig cridhe gnìomhachas a bha air a riaghladh le fireannaich, chruthaich Elizabeth Arden agus Helena Rubinstein gnìomhachas ùr maise gnùis airson nan ginealaichean a thigeadh as an dèidh. Bha iad air thoiseach air càch leis a' bhathar aca fhèin ach cuideachd bha iad adhartach anns an dòigh anns an do leasaich iad gnìomhachasan mòra. Bha iad cuideachd innleachdach le na beachdan a bh' aca a thaobh sanasachd agus margaideachd airson an aonamh linn fichead. Bha Arden agus Rubinstein le chèile soirbheachail mar luchd-gnìomhachais airson na linne ùr, ach bhiodh iad a' farpais an aghaidh a chèile gu bràth.