Kuroki wants badly to rehabilitate Mythos, the young boy caught up in the Logos incident. When an unmanned bike starts making strange appearances on the roads of Tokyo, he sees his chance to allow Mythos to contribute to society by solving the mystery. The bike appears and disappears without causing any harm or hurting anyone. But Mythos thinks that instead of a bored thrill-seeker, the culprit might be a more dangerous foe...
Kuroki vuole a tutti i costi riabilitare Mythos, il ragazzo tenuto in custodia dalla polizia dopo il Logos Incident. Quando una moto senza pilota inizia a comparire per le strade di Tokyo, Kuroki intravede la possibilità di permettere a Mythos di aiutare la società risolvendo il caso.
Kuroki assure provisoirement la direction de la 8e unité, pendant qu'une moto sans conducteur sème la pagaille dans Tokyo.