Ed and Karen Parker move their family into a old Connecticut home, needing to be near the hospital where their 14-year-old son in receives cancer treatment. They quickly discover that the building was once a funeral home. Soon, their son Paul proclaims the house to be evil, he begins seeing entities, and his health worsens. Paul's behavior becomes increasingly erratic and, at their rope's end, his parents have him committed to a mental hospital. With the son gone, the whole family is soon under siege by the evil forces inhabiting the house. In desperation, the Parkers contact psychic investigators Edward and Lorraine Warren for help.
The troubles begin for the Wyrick family when their three-year-old daughter Heidi begins spending time with her new invisible friend, kindly old Mr. Gordy. The family eventually realizes there's more to Mr. Gordy than just a child's active imagination. Heidi awakens one night with claw marks on her face and her father Andy soon suffers the same scratches on his back. Mr. Gordy is no longer the only apparition; he's joined by a hooded, faceless figure and a man with one hand. The family contacts a parapsychologist who attributes the manifestations to energy from a fault-line. Later, a psychic tells them of several spirits in the home, some being good and some being evil. Eventually, they turn to their church for help.
Bonnie moves her family into a century-old farmhouse in rural Connecticut. They quickly sense they're not alone as various members repeatedly feel they're being watched, though no living person is with them. This presence soon manifests itself as violence with two of her children being inexplicably attacked. After contacting psychic investigators for help, Bonnie begins to transform as a spirit from the past begins to take over her thoughts and actions.
Ginger is immediately drawn to Summerwind, a 50-year-old home by the shores in West Bay Lake, Wisconsin. The house's history of hauntings do nothing to discourage her or her husband from moving in with their family. A malevolent force soon overtakes the home, turning her husband into a deranged and violent madman who quits working and sits at the organ pounding out chilling music. With the family now broke and her children living in constant terror, Ginger must find a way to free them from the evil of Summerwind.
Ron and Nancy move into a large, older Baltimore house with their large brood. They think nothing of the fact that all the windows have been nailed shut by the previous owner, or that the seller says to them, "I hope you're good fighters". They're simply happy to have all the space room at the surprisingly low price. They soon realize what he meant as the lights and faucets turn themselves on and off and objects are moved around by an unseen force. Nancy becomes genuinely alarmed, however, following a dream in which an elderly woman cackles with delight as her family tries to escape the house, alight in flames.
While shopping for a new home in Tuscon, Romie is strangely attraced to an abandoned house. She feels right at home at first--until the nightmares begin. After sighting a threatening spectre walking in the hallway, she decides it's time to get help. The psychic she contacts tells her to reach out to the spirit and try and discover out what it wants.
Al, Kellie, and her young daughter are drawn to a renovated Montreal townhome. Soon after moving in, supernatural events begin with unseen footsteps being heard and the sighting of a young woman. While Al is fascinated by the phenomena, Kellie is becoming increasingly terrified. Determined to explain the events, Al and two psychic friends use a Ouija board to contact the spirits. They learn that the house is not only haunted by a distraught young woman, but also the man who'd murdered her following a botched abortion. The men become convinced that the key to the haunting lies buried in the basement.
Bill and Tom buy a former dance hall in Springfield, Illinois and, after much renovation, reopen it as a club for live rock 'n roll. The customers in 1974 love the historic place, but the staffers feel differently. Music seems to emanate from nowhere and chilling blasts of air frighten the owners and workers after hours. One bartender has direct contact with a threatening spirit that informs her that one of the owners is soon going to die. Through old photographs, she identifies him as a troubled former bartender who had committed suicide on the premises. This is the first episode of the regular series.
Bobby Mackey owns a country music nightclub in the small town of Wilder, Kentucky. The building was once home to a slaughterhouse. The Licking River, which runs next door, is said to have attracted Satanists and murderers over the years. Bobby initially pays no attention to the legends, even though his pregnant wife Jackie and an employee had been attacked by spirits. With the eerie violence escalating, an ancient well in the basement is discovered; it seems to be the source of the dark force. It seems intent on harming Jackie's unborn child and taking someone's soul.
Marie's daughter suffers from a mental condition that keeps her from speaking. During the three years they've lived in their home, Marie has witnessed her communicating with someone she could not see. Marie was unworried, having decided it was positive angels. But upon his first visit, Marie's boyfriend, Chris, feels a dark presence in the house. Using a Ouija board, the two unintentionally open up the home to a diabolical that is using Julie as a portal. A team of paranormal investigators soon decide the case is more serious than they can handle and arrange with the Church for an exorcism.
Jan's is unconcerned that her seven-year-old son Cody talks with an imaginary friend. It becomes clear the "friend" is quite real when the child's behavior becomes belligerent and hateful. Jan is frightened into action when Cody tells her he lives in a box in the cemetery. She calls upon a Native American shaman to help rid her son of this demonic spirit.
A young couple, Tony and Deb, are expecting their first child as they move into a home in Atchinson, Kansas. After their son is born, Deb begins to suspect their house is haunted. Her son's toys start to rearrange themselves; Tony hears voices and is subjected to painful wounds. Initially, they believe they're being terrorized by the ghost of a young girl. Tony and Deb consult a psychic who tells them it's not simply the girl that's causing the problems but a much darker entity is at work.
A wealthy American family, the Bishops, move into a luxurious mansion in the Yangmin mountains of Taiwan. Soon, strange events begin to plague various family members in their new home. Candice sees lights out of the corner of her eye; her teen daughters hear voices and footsteps. They finally give up their disbelief in ghosts when their youngest daughter is attacked. The family consults a Catholic Taoist priest who says, according to feng shui, their house was physically designed to give power to spirits from the beyond.
Arnie and Debbie move into a home with her 12-year-old brother in tow. Immediately, the boy is tormented by visions of an evil old man who eventually morphs into a hooved demon. The family is forced to take action when they witness the child being attacked by an unseen force. It's soon clear that the "beast" is trying to take over the boy's soul. Paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren determine that there are several demons after young David and that only the Church can help them.
Lisa discovers a photograph that her ex-boyfriend has left. It's a black and white picture of his brother who died fighting in Vietnam. She has the photo framed, thinking it would make a thoughful birthday gift. Lisa is stunned by her ex-boyfriend's cold refusal of the gift; he seems practically frightened of the photograph. Hanging it in her own home, Lisa becomes obsessed with the picture and the man in it. Despite waking in the middle of the night and seeing the dead soldier in her home, Lisa refuses to listen to reason and dispose of the soldier's picture.
Now in his thirties, Billy Bean is still haunted by the years he spent growing up in a home being torn apart by dark forces. In 1970, his loving parents move their brood of three small children into an unassuming home in Glenn Burnie, Maryland. His mother quickly believes their home is haunted, but his father will hear nothing of it. Eventually, Glen and his sister find themselves being pinned to their beds in frightening nighttime attacks. In the meantime, their father becomes increasingly sullen and drunken before abandoning the family altogether. After years of horror, his mother finally turns to the Church for help in ridding their home of the evil that has destroyed their family.
Clara and Phil Dandy move with their two young teens into an old farmhouse in rural New York, looking forward to the quiet life of the country. Son Mike takes to exploring the nearby woods with the local boys and encounters a disappearing hunter, eerie lights and a woman's screams. Clara is unnerved by ghostly chanting emanating from the forest. It's just a matter of time until these spirits make their presence known inside their home. When they do, Clara contacts both a priest and a psychic. Through them, the family learns of their house's history of death and murder.
Within weeks of moving into a ranch home with their young daughter, unnerving entities start appearing to the Dunhams. Beth awakens to see the ghostly figure of an old woman standing in the doorway and Edd encounters a menacing man sitting on one of their beds. Bizarre sounds become a regular event around the house, including a ghostly tapping that responds to Edd's knocks. Fearing for themselves and their infant, they consult a team of paranormal investigators. Disembodied voices and dark figures captured on tape leads to one conclusion: the Dunhams' home is a portal for spirits and is raging with negative energy.
Steven LaChance and his three children move from a cramped apartment into a roomy old house in Union, Missouri. Initially, he's not concerned by his kids' claims of ghosts stalking the halls and opening closet doors; he just assumes they're reacting to stess from the recent break-up of his marriage. Soon enough, Steven is fearing for his childrens' safety and they all flee the house one night in the terror. After a new family moves in, the supernatural activities go from frightening to dangerous. Recurring nightmares convince Steven that these people are also in danger, so he goes to warn them of the peril they face.
From the outset, Selena Warner is convinced that she and her young son are not alone in their Michigan house. After several unnerving encounters, her sister Adrian grabs a camera and begins taking pictures, hoping they will reveal what they sense but cannot see. The frightening photos lead the sisters on a hunt for details about the house's history. What they learn from the former residents identifies one of the spirits--but not the dark presence that resides in the attic.
Mike and his girlfriend Lisa had a great relationship...until they moved in together. Something about their house is causing unpleasant changes in Lisa's personality. After an encounter with an spirit crawling across their bed, Mike thinks he has an explaination for her foul mood: the house he's bought is haunted. After the couple splits up, Mike asks a friend to help him paint. After spending a brief time in the house, his friend's mood becomes as emotional as Lisa's was. A team of paranormal investigators arrive with cameras and microphones, hoping to document the spirits of a playful young boy and a resentful adult male, both of which have been sighted.
Standish, Michigan is riddled with burial sites of the Native Americans who once lived there. That's why it's not surprising to find a skeleton buried beneath the century-old fixer upper that Randy Irvin moved into in 1974. After reburying the remains, Randy becomes facinated with the idea of contacting the dead. Chanting an incantation from a book of witchcraft, he unleashes a scratching, clawing, growling spirit that attacks him nightly before turning on his mother and sister. Desperate to send the demon back from where he'd summoned it, he turns to a Wiccan white witch who is overpowered by its force. At the edge of insanity, Randy meets Nora Rainer, a healer who is experienced in dealing with demonic spirits.
With the help of her parents, Martha Fahey is planning to raise her baby in the same Galway, Ireland townhouse that she grew up in. Once her daughter is born, Martha hears crying in the middle of the night, even though her child is fast asleep. As time passes, items begin disappearing and a cold overtakes their home. The Fahey family begins to suspect a haunting and seeks help. A spiritual healer tells them the new child has awakened spirits from a hideous crime committed long before the family moved in.
The remodeling a Victorian house in Salt Lake City reawakend a spirit that doesn't want change. When April James and her fiance, Matt, begin renovations, they endure unexpected slow-downs and eerie events: April begins to hear voices and her son sees something moving in his closet. After a threatening black apparition shows itself, the couple consult a medium in hopes of reclaiming their home.
David Guy purchased the two-hundred-year-old Wheatsheaf Pub in northern England in 2004. From the start, staff and customers reported unexplained sounds and numerous sightings of a young girl in period garb. Jokingly, the staff uses an improvised Ouija board to contact the spirits in bar. It's no longer a game when a spirit named Joseph tells them to get out or he will kill them all. Psychic Suzanna Hadwin becomes involved and learns through her "third eye" that Joseph killed the young girl, Jessica, a century ago and hid her body in a wall upstairs. It is now up to Suzanna and the staff to set Jessica free and rid the Wheatsheaf of the malevolent Joseph.
Mary Vogel's investigation of a Virginia farm uncovers evidience of satanic rituals. It also unleases a malevolent spirit that attaches itself to her, filling her days with nightmarish visions and nights with physical attacks. As the demon overtakes her life, her son Josh becomes frightened of her and the relationship with her fiance falls apart. With her formerly deep faith in the Church under assault, it's up to her family and mentor John Zaphus to arrange an exorcism.
Having saved for years, Sarah Miller bought her first home in small town California in 2000. From the start, her teen daughter, Becky, felt something amiss about the house. Sarah dismissed her daughter's claims of disembodied voices and floating faces as simply adjustment problems from the move. Months later, when Sarah herself sees blood oozing from the walls, she knows there's something evil within. From a neighbor, she learns the previous tenants practiced devil worshiping masses in Becky's room. Frightened, she contacts Dave Consadine at Phantasm Psychic Research. After a long investigation, the paranormal team decides there's something much worse than a ghost in the Miller's home; it's a diabolocial, a demon, trying to break the family apart.
Bobby and Addie Wilcott hope to repair their rocky marriage, starting with a move into an historic New England house. Their new home provides a poor environment for reconciliation, with doors that open themselves and a piano that seemingly plays by itself. They can no longer ignore the paranormal events once their five-year-old is attacked by an invisible force. Ed and Lorraine Warren, noted paranormal investigators, conclude that a demonic entity being empowered by the negative energy in their relationship. The Warrens propose an exorcism.
After moving to Caseyville, IL, the recurring nightmares that have plagued Cindy suddenly mirror reality. Cindy and her husband Jake move into a new house in Caseyville, IL, however their daughters sense a dark presence in the closet in their room and Jake becomes possessed and tries to kill her. After Jake has been taken into custody, Cindy begins crying in the bathroom but is shocked to see the image of a dead woman staring at her from a mirror. She goes to a priest who does a cleansing of the house but this only seems to make the spirit stronger and Cindy with her two daughters leave to her mother's house. A month after Cindy moved out another family came to live in the house but the youngest child felt a demonic presence and the family moved out immediately.
In Bloomington, Illinois, Randy and Marcy Wikoff live with real stress everyday, as both work in law-enforcement. But when their son's deployment to the Middle East and a motorcycle accident outside their house test Marcy's emotional breaking point, a sleeping presence awakens to threaten her.
Rebecca Lenox leads a fairy-tale life since her recent marriage to Daniel. But it's not long before her ability to see and talk to spirits, a family secret, threatens to break up their happy home.
Newlyweds Bill and Marissa Spencer are thrilled when they find a recently renovated apartment on the outskirts of Seattle. But when the couple is confronted by ghostly figures, they can no longer deny that their new home is haunted. They look to paranormal researchers for help.
Joanne and Jim Whitley dream of owning a horse riding business. They buy an abandoned farm in Kingston, New Hampshire, and embark on turning their dreams into reality. But soon after renovating the property, Joanne senses a negative presence surrounding her. At first she and her son try to explain away the unusual sounds they hear. But then, an unseen entity touches her, and rationalizations ring hollow. The threat escalates when her horses mysteriously get ill. Joanne turns to Jim, but he remains skeptical. When her son's life is threatened, Joanne calls on a Shamballa master to combat the evil presence threatening her home and family.
Eerie noises and ghostly voices echo through the Shea family's Arkansas home. Over time, the paranormal activity escalates from harmless childlike pranks to the chilling terror of a darker threat caused by a demon named Seth.
Sandra Waldron is fascinated by the supernatural. She lives with her son Gene and husband Steven in a haunted house in Ohio, which only fuels her interest. When she and her husband split, Sandra only dives deeper into the occult, which Gene does not approve of.
In March 2005, Libby and Sean Johnson renovate an old, rundown home in Chester, Vermont. But shortly after moving in, strange noises fill the night. They realize that recent renovation caused the disturbances and turn to Wiccans for help. This story was also used as a setting for an episode of the Sci-Fi Channel's Ghost Hunters.
Paranormal investigator Stacey Jones lives in Syracuse, New York with her husband Lloyd and teenage son Jamie. After Jamie tags along a on cemetery investigation, he discovers a strange marking scratched into his leg. In the following weeks, he hears unexplained noises in the house and watches items fly across the room. Soon, his behavior deteriorates, as does his state of mind. He turns to his mother for help, but she assigns logical explanation to illogical events. When Stacey witnesses a demonic attack on Jamie, she can no longer evade the truth. She calls on her friend and colleague John Zaffis to save her son from an entity bent on possessing his soul.
A ghostly presence watches the McCarthy family from the dark corners of their Corpus Christi, Texas home. Over time, it focuses its wrath on the McCarthy's beautiful teenage daughter, Caressa.
In 2005, Latin Jazz Guitarist Eddie Benitez moves his family to Tempe, Arizona, hoping to resurrect his musical career. But his optimism fades when unexplainable occurrences plague the house and his son becomes gravely ill.
Twenty-year-old Morgan Knudsen is thrilled to finally have an apartment to call home in the Canadian city of Edmonton. Her friend Bob seems like the perfect roommate until he tells her that the spirit of an eight-year-old boy has been visiting him at night. At first, Morgan assumes Bob has a psychological issue, but that changes after a spate of threatening-and very personal-supernatural attacks. At the same time, Bob becomes obsessed with contacting Joseph, secluding himself in his room for hours. Desperate, Morgan seeks the help renowned paranormal investigator Lorraine Warren and discovers her roommate is the target of demon.
When three Wisconsin teenagers learn of a local legend about a nearby cemetery in Green Lake, WI, they decide to see for themselves if the stories are true. However, they are forced to believe them after they see spirits of children who died of polio and an Indian chief walking around in the cemetery. Dead last in the season and a low point for the series in general.
Betty Johnson and her family think they have found their perfect new residence in rural Michigan. But as Betty and her family settle in, they realize they are not alone. Faced with a supernatural threat and unexpected financial distress, the family moves hoping to leave their troubles behind. But when Betty’s oldest child, Brinn, starts experiencing bloody visions and is physically attacked, the family realizes "it" has followed them. With the help of investigators, Betty cleanses their lives of the presence once and for all.
Maryland single Mom Kathie Sheats hopes life will change for the better when she marries her boyfriend Brian. But "something" inside her house has other ideas. Spiritual warfare literally breaks out…taking over Kathie’s mind, body and soul. After a priest, psychic and paranormal investigator fail to rid her and her home of the evil presence, it’s up to Kathie alone to "exorcise" the demon. In a classic battle between good and evil, Kathie desperately calls on an angel for help…and her message is heard.
Connecticut child safety specialist Bob Baker has devoted his life to protecting children from natural and supernatural harm. After years of battling supernatural forces, he thinks he’s seen it all. But when his mother starts hearing voices in his childhood home, Bob is faced with a demon that evolves from his own nightmares. After colleagues, priests, and a world-renowned exorcist fail to cleanse the property, Bob resorts to literally "smoking out" the demon to reclaim his mother’s home and his own life.
With great pride and excitement, Professor Mark Spencer and his wife Rebecca have just purchased the historic Allen House in Arkansas. The house has a unique character, but they begin to experience unexplained events shortly after moving in. After exhaustive research, Mark learns that the house may be haunted by the spirit of a woman named LaDell, who mysteriously died in the master bedroom. But Mark and Rebecca do not believe in ghosts. They remain skeptical until Rebecca comes face to face with a faceless spirit. Determined to get answers, Mark calls investigators to determine if the spirit means them harm. What he uncovers is the dark and troubling truth…about LaDell’s suicide.
Michigan attorney Chris Gibbons and his family think they’ve finally found their dream house. But when Chris starts renovating, he discovers it’s the start of a nightmare. A ghost, visible to Chris’s children, haunts the home and drives Chris to the point of insanity by also infiltrating his dreams. Only with the help of paranormal investigators, priests, psychics, and shamans does Chris figure out a way to protect his family and "evict" the evil spirit. At least for now…
The VanLandingham Family of six decides it’s finally time to move to a larger house in the small town of Wynne, Arkansas. The home is beautiful, spacious, and even has a private floor above the garage for teenagers Brianna and Heather. What the family first considers "house-settling" noise and behavior quickly turns into a full-scale supernatural physical attack on both daughters. The family desperately reaches out to their pastor and a local paranormal investigator, but the entity is too strong. The family is forced to abandon their "dream house" forever.
North Carolina natives Jamie and Aaron live the perfect small-town Southern lifestyle filled with the love of family and friends. Stay-at-home-mom Jamie enjoys taking walks with her children through her historic neighborhood, until "something" dark and sinister follows them home. Jamie soon finds her son directly communicating with an entity from "beyond the grave". In desperation, she reaches out to local paranormal experts and risks being ostracized by her conservative community to keep her family safe…and sane.
In 2007, Lynn and Jason Ryder become the new owners of an old bar called Morries. They rename it "Ryders" after renovating, and while trying to run a happy business together with the help of Lynn's father, ghostly pranks and other supernatural activities occur which has an impact on the staff and customers. It soon become known that they are dealing with a demonic entity.
After her husband commits suicide, Cindy Lauer and her daughter Charissa are plagued by an evil entity. Charissa sees her dead father in the backyard and is tormented by a horrible nightmare. She believes the evil entity influenced her father's death. After several months, Cindy starts dating again and finds her boyfriend is also interested in the paranormal. On the week of Halloween, the two of them and investigate an abandoned house. But they are soon driven away by a menacing figure. As they try to make their escape, Cindy is attacked by the demon and enters a state of possession. After paranormal investigators witness an attack on Cindy, they call in a priest, who performs an exorcism. The demon calls itself "Albin" and refuses to leave Cindy's body. After a series of prayers, the demon leaves temporarily. Cindy believes the ghost of her husband was trying to warn her about the evil entity. The demon is still trying to enter Cindy's life, who is trying to deal with the problem.
Victoria Dane tries to get her life back together again after accidentally having an overdose. She starts to notice unusual events going on in her home she feels has something to do with the medication she's taking. After moving to New Mexico to close to her relatives, the strange events follow her and begin to strike out at her physically. Aided by a local investigation company, Victoria comes to realize that the supernatural activity she is experiencing conjured up from her near-death experience after overdosing. The questions remains of how she will be able to close the door to the paranormal word that has came to her attention.
Season 6 begins with the story of a woman who rejected the advances of a friend, who then stole a piece of her hair and supposedly put a spell on her.
A man's story of returning to his childhood home only to find it filled with alleged dark forces that are trying to kill him.
An alleged ghostly encounter is recalled by a family whose teenage son dabbled in the occult.
A couple recall how their dream home turned into a nightmare after an alleged demonic possession and attack in the sixth-season finale.
Two different entities roam the property of a 200-year-old farmhouse, terrorizing the family living there. But they are determined to stay in the home, escalating the paranormal activity to threatening heights.
Two brothers encounter a demonic entity in the woods surrounding their Florida home and confront their tormenter decades later.
After a dark entity is awakened beneath a 19th century mansion, the Rice family experiences a terrifying haunting that forces them to abandon their dream house.
A family’s dream home quickly turns to their nightmare when they become the focus of an abusive ghost. When the haunting turns violent, they seek out an empathy and discover the dark history of the property.
Fire reveals the dark and deadly past of a family's new home. They must find help before a demon claims their lives as well.
John Drenner, Jr. finds a satanic bible and unwittingly unleashes a relentless demon that will stop at nothing to destroy him.
When a relentless demon threatens to shatter the idyllic home life of the close-knit Cupit family they turn to a team of paranormal investigators and demonologist to battle the evil force and force it back into hell.
When the Cain family moves into an Ohio farmhouse, they soon find out their idyilic home and property are haunted by ghosts of a brutal murder and a deadly blaze
When a family moves into a home with a dark, hidden history, they soon begin to realize they are not alone. Dark rituals and death have attracted evil to the home and it has the children in its sight.
After a series of unexplained events, a young family discovers a long history of death connected to their new home and wonders if it’s haunted. But when the family is attacked, they turn to investigators before a shape-shifting demon turns vicious.
When Taylor Jones’ estranged mother comes to visit, she opens their home up to the world of the undead. Taylor turns to a team of paranormal investigators who uncover the brutal truth of what happened in her attic years ago.
A mother and son match wits against a vicious demon who uses an ancient artifact to open portals in their home.
After a chilling encounter with an Egyptian mummy, a young man is plagued by a vile creature that seeks to steal his soul.
After a teenager experiments with the occult, darkness is attracted to her Alaskan home. It targets the family, driving them apart before attacking. As it grows stronger the family realizes their lives are at risk, and turn to experts for help.
A family discovers a secret room in their new home, enraging a volatile ghost who will stop at nothing to drive them out.
A teenager with paranormal abilities matches wits against a cagey demon intent on engineering the teen's demise when Season 8 begins.
A family find an evil necklace while renovating a relative's home, and end up bringing a dark entity into their own house, which is why they've contacted a demonologist for help.
What seems like a dream home in rural Indiana quickly turns into something darker when the new owner experiences unexplained voices and scents, which lead her to believe the house is haunted by the ghost of the previous occupant.
A family worry about the negative effect an imaginary friend, which they soon come to believe is an angry ghost, is having on their daughter.
A woman assumes orbs she notices in some photos are images of friendly spirits. However, when a dark entity begins tormenting her family, she realizes they are dealing with evil and steps need to be taken to protect her loved ones.
Candace and John St. Clair explore a tunnel with a gruesome history; an uninvited guest follows them home.
A couple move into a home with a tragic history and soon come to believe that it's haunted. After several attacks, they call paranormal investigators for help, but a careless mistake could make things worse.
A home is invaded by what is believed to be a demon hell-bent on hurting the members of a family one by one.
After a menacing Nazi soldier seeks vengeance for his death and threatens an innocent couple, they seek help to make peace with his ghost.
A woman suspects that her late husband is haunting her home. But then an incident involving her daughter makes her wonder if she's dealing with an evil entity.
A new season begins with with a family who believe the ghost in their home is harmless until the children feel threatened, which prompts a plea to the Catholic Church to rid them of this demon.
An attractive teenage girl is haunted by an unknown presence with inappropriate intentions that threaten to tear her family apart.
A tormented teen's ghost disrupts a young family's life in their new home.
Newlyweds are unnerved by a dangerous paranormal presence that they need to get rid of before their first child is born.
A mother and daughter agree that their house is definitely haunted, though the former thinks it's the spirit of her murdered boyfriend, while the latter believes it's something much more sinister.
A man moves into a house that's believed to be haunted by dark entities that have been preying on the property's residents for years.
A woman buys a fixer-upper on Long Island after her firefighter husband dies in the line of duty, but the renovations uncover evidence of a dark history on the property.
Communicating with a ghost is a pleasant experience for three siblings until it opens a door for all spirits—good and evil.
A woman who was tormented as a child has to deal with an old spirit that resurfaces to haunt her family.
A family's lives are at risk while they try to battle an evil entity set out to rip a young couple apart.
After visiting a haunted plantation, a woman and her daughters encounter a phantom that is tied to her past.
Angelina Balistreri believes her home is haunted by a harmless ghost, while her husband, Emiliano, is skeptical of the paranormal. At first it’s all fun and games until their daughter begins hearing a voice in her head. The Balistreri’s immediately embark on a mission to find answers. When medical tests prove there is nothing wrong with their daughter, her parents begin to fear her strange behavior is connected to the paranormal activity in their home. They call in a priest and medium who makes contact with a troubled ghost and helps him cross over and find peace.
A woman returns from a trip overseas and is disturbed to find paranormal events going on in her home, so she asks a clairvoyant for help before deciding whether or not to leave the house behind.
A nefarious spirit lashes out at a Florida man, who recalls paranormal activity from his childhood to uncover the imminent threat behind a mysterious family curse.
A woman decorates her home with a set of Haitian masks, but a voodoo spirit emerges to wreak havoc.
When a teenager with the "gift" finds herself the attention of restless spirits, she has to convince her family the ghosts are real before enlisting experts who can reveal who these spirits are and what they want with her.
When a man's beloved father dies, he falls into a deep depression that renders him vulnerable to an unearthly evil who will stop at nothing to make him a pawn in its relentless thirst for misery and murder.
When a woman experiences paranormal activity inside her family's new home, she suspects spirits tied to the historic Victorian's past. She soon fears something far more sinister is lurking after an unseen entity attacks her in bed.
A single mother of three relocates her family for a fresh start, but her dream turns to a nightmare when they are antagonized by multiple entities. Desperate to keep her children safe, she finds a paranormal team who reveal the true evil in the home.
As Deborah Utley begins experiencing paranormal events in her home, she turns to her faith for protection. But when her children are targeted by the entity she seeks the aid of paranormal investigators to end the cycle of terror.
A Massachusetts historian's seance performance leaves him possessed and desperate for safety. His friend calls on a shaman to break the frightening psychic connection between him and the spirit of a cold-blooded murderer.
When a couple brings an antique cabinet into their Tennessee home, unexplained events begin to happen. Searching for an answer, they set up a surveillance camera and capture proof the cabinet is the source of the paranormal activity.
A woman makes the harrowing discovery that her new home harbors a paranormal portal. Even more shocking, the activity has awakened her dormant ability as a psychic medium, forcing her to learn how to live with her newfound power to see the dead.
A paranormal investigator doesn't believe in haunted objects until he captures proof that an antique doll he recently acquired is possessed. Fearing he is in over his head, he attempts to get rid of it, but the evil toy has other plans.
Newlyweds find themselves the targets of an aggressive spirit after bringing home souvenirs from their honeymoon. The couple fears one of the objects is haunted and reach out to paranormal investigators for aid.
Devastated by a friend's senseless murder, a teenage girl holds a seance to communicate one last time and unwittingly invites an malevolent entity into her own home.
A chef and his wife find the perfect location for their restaurant in a sleepy waterfront town. But the spirits haunting the Victorian mansion have other plans. Soon, eerie and unexplained events threaten to force the couple out of their business.
A couple watches helplessly as dark forces emerge from the shadows to torment their teenage daughters. Desperate for help, they reach out to a spiritual warrior to combat the demons lurking in their home.
Childhood sweethearts reconnect, but their happily-ever-after is threatened by dangerous poltergeist activity in their new home. When they find cryptic messages written on the bathroom mirror, the frightened couple reaches out to a renowned demonologist.
A woman is enchanted by a pair of antique dolls and brings them home. Soon after, she is stricken by a mysterious illness that nearly kills her, and her husband is sure the dolls are to blame. The couple must take drastic steps to contain the evil within.
A newlywed couple experiences unexplained events after moving into a remote cabin. When they make a gruesome discovery, they fear the previous owner never left. After a terrifying attack, they must find a way to expel the angry spirit before it's too late.
A single mom enlists the help of an angel, and an attorney battles an evil.
Dark entities terrorize two families in Michigan and North Carolina.
A man confronts his haunted past, and teens become supernatural targets.
Dark secrets haunt two historic locations in Arkansas and Connecticut.