黒鋼スパナは自身の”黒い炎”に飲み込まれ、 無惨にもマルガムになり果ててしまった。 両親が殺されるのをその目で見た過去。 その両親を蘇らせ、再び何度も目の前で嬲り殺される絶望と憎しみ。 10年間過去を隠し、力を閉じ込めた師への怒り。 成すすべのない宝太郎たちは、鏡花のドライバー作成を手伝い、 スパナを救う唯一の希望に思いをかける。 マルガムになってでもグリオンへの復讐を誓うスパナ。 目の前に現れたのはドレッドの仮面を被ったかつての先輩だった。 己を力を制御し、その戦いを制するのはどちらか。 そして黒い炎に蝕まれたスパナが掴む結末とは・・・
The black steel spanner was engulfed by its own "black flame" and was tragically turned into Malgam. In the past, he saw his parents murdered with his own eyes. Despair and hatred bring their parents back to life and have them killed again and again in front of their eyes. Anger towards his master who hid his past and locked away his power for 10 years. Helpless, Houtarou and his friends help Kyoka create a screwdriver and think about their only hope of saving Spanner. Spanner vows to take revenge on Glion even if he becomes Malgam. What appeared in front of him was his former senior wearing a dread mask. Who will control their power and win the battle? And what is the outcome of the spanner that is eaten away by black flames...