黒鋼スパナは焦っていた。 素人でしかなかった一ノ瀬。 保護対象のはずだった九堂。 そのどちらもが 「仮面ライダー」として自分より強い力を手に入れたこと。 もっと力を……。 もっと強さを!! そう翳るスパナのもとに 長い旅に出ていたはずの両親が突然現れる。 両親との再会に笑顔をこぼすスパナ。 自分にも守るべき、帰るべき場所があるかもしれない。 しかしそれは、天使が与えた、淡い夢。 スパナに対する、最も卑劣で残酷な罠。 冥黒の遣い、闇の天使が嗤うとき スパナの慟哭が虚しく響くーー。
The black steel spanner was impatient. Ichinose was only an amateur. Kudo was supposed to be protected. Both of them obtained powers stronger than themselves as ``Kamen Riders.'' More power... More strength! ! Just as Spanner looks like that, her parents, who were supposed to be on a long journey, suddenly appear. Spanner smiles as he reunites with his parents. Maybe there is a place I should protect, a place I should return to. However, that was a pale dream given to me by an angel. The most vile and cruel trap for a spanner. When the messenger of darkness, the angel of darkness, laughs, the wrench of a spanner echoes in vain.