아이돌 우연우의 삶을 받아들이기로 한 램브러리. 그 첫 번째 관문으로 싱서바이벌에 출연한다. 성공적으로 무대를 마치지만 예상치 못한 위기를 맞게 된다. 뜻밖에 파트너와 함께 2차 경연 무대에 오르는 램브러리, 불안한 기운을 감지하는데...
Lembrary has no choice but to embrace the reality of living as Woo Yeon-woo. He participates in "Sing Survival" and surprises everyone with a remarkable performance. However, the judges' decision doesn't match the audience's opinion. Adding to his troubles, he has to team up with an unlikely competitor for an upcoming performance. Despite his efforts, Rembrary struggles to make things work in his favor.