렘브라리는 마왕과 싸우기 위해 이세계에서 온 대사제다. 눈을 떴을 때 그는 잘생겼지만 정체를 알 수 없는 우연우의 몸 안에 있는 자신을 발견한다.
While Pontifex Lembrary fights against a devil, he gets transferred to a different world possessing the body of Woo Yeon-woo who is a member of an unpopular idol group called Wild Animal. In an entertainment business where overwhelming social skills, trendiness, and talents are highly necessary, it is hard for solemn, holy Lembrary to adapt. Due to his inappropriate says and dos as a celebrity, Lembrary is talked about from the public and receives attention that he did not expect. Using his goodness and love, Lembrary heals this twisted and barren world people live in while going this way and that way to settle himself as an idol.
- High Priest Lembrary
- Pontifex Lembrary
- Pontifex Maximus Lembrary
- Sacred Idol
- Holy Idol
- Daesingwan Lembeureori
Rembrary es un sumo sacerdote de otro mundo que vino a este para luchar contra el rey demonio. Cuando despierta, se encuentra en el cuerpo del apuesto pero desconocido ídolo Woo Yeon Woo.
Trata da história de um sumo sacerdote, um agente de Deus em outra dimensão, acordando no corpo de um idol de K-Pop desconhecido.
講述受到大眾愛戴的「倫布里」不僅是神的代理人也是聖潔的大神官,在與入侵異世界的魔王對抗時失去意識,當他清醒後發現自己變成大韓民國無名團體Wild Animal的偶像「禹延宇」…,改編自NAVER同名網路小說與漫畫
Alors qu'il est entrain de combattre un démon, le grand prêtre Rembrary est envoyé dans un autre monde. Il devient Woo Yeon-woo, membre d'un groupe en quête de gloire appelé Wild Animal. Il devra s'acclimater à son nouvel environnement tout en combattant les forces du mal qui menacent la quiétude de cet univers qui lui est totalement inconnu.