挑戦者が用意した「助っ人」も投入され、戦いは混沌を極める。始まったのは、痛くても音を出してはいけない「スネ叩きハーモニカゲーム」。新たな脱落者が出る一方、今までにない形で笑い出す者も現れた。一瞬の油断が運命を分ける、緊迫の攻防戦はいよいよクライマックスへ…(C)2020 YD Creation
As the challengers introduce their "helpers," the battle reaches a new level of chaos. The game that begins is the "Shin Striking Harmonica Game," where players must not make a sound despite the pain. While a new dropout emerges, some contestants start to laugh in ways never seen before. A momentary lapse could decide their fate in this tense struggle, now heading toward its climax...