開始から1時間20分が過ぎ「笑えたら笑いたい」拷問のような時間が続く。ここでシーズン4王者・くっきー!が本領を発揮し、ついに1人目の脱落者が。また、オレンジカードを喰らい、後がなくなった2人が正面から激突!小細工無用、パワーとパワーをぶつけ合う名勝負が生まれた。(C)2020 YD Creation
One hour and twenty minutes have passed since the start, and the torturous period of "wanting to laugh if only you could" continues. At this point, Season 4 champion Cookie unleashes his full potential, leading to the first dropout. Meanwhile, two contestants, each having received an orange card and with no room left for errors, collide head-on! A classic showdown with no tricks, just pure power clashing against power, unfolds.