初出場・チャンス大城が得意の音マネで果敢に攻め、1人の挑戦者を追い詰めた。さらにギャグで猛攻に出る千原ジュニア、絶妙のタイミングである音を響かせるトータル藤田…予想もつかない攻めが連鎖し、誰もが笑い出す寸前に。すると、たまらず松本が前代未聞のジャッジを下す…。(C)2020 YD Creation
In his first appearance, Chance Ohshiro boldly attacked with his specialty in sound imitation, cornering one of the challengers. Furthermore, Chihara Junior launched a fierce gag assault, and Total Fujita played a sound at just the right moment... The unpredictable chain of attacks brought everyone to the brink of laughter. Unable to bear it, Matsumoto made an unprecedented judgment...