残り7人、誰が優勝してもおかしくない最終局面。ポイントを稼ごうと、なりふり構わず手数を繰り出す中、スマホを駆使した最凶ネタが他の挑戦者たちを苦しめる。さらに、ノーコンテストに持ち込みたいゾンビの本気ネタが炸裂!松本が「見惚れた」と絶賛する死闘を制したのは…。(C)2020 YD Creation
With seven contestants remaining, it's anyone's game in the final stage. As they desperately try to rack up points by any means necessary, one contestant's outrageous smartphone-based gag torments the others. Additionally, a zombie, aiming to force a no-contest outcome, unleashes their ultimate routine! Matsumoto, admiringly stating he was "mesmerized," watches as the victor of this fierce battle emerges...