An Oh Ju, who is still being chased by the police, kidnaps Jae I to draw Sang Pil to him. Sang Pil rushes to Jae I and confronts An Oh Ju with vengeance but not without a plan to win him over for his end game. Things heat up in the trial for the murder of the Thai accupressurist as Judge Cha sits as the presiding judge. The defendant, Nam Soon Ja, looks to Sang Pil and Jae I to show their skills as lawyers to bail her out of her predicament, but ultimately, it is her testimony that will determine her fate.
상필과 오주의 피비린내 나는 일대 혈투가 벌어지는 폐창고!
두 남자의 운명을 건 마지막 결전의 승자는 누가 될 것인가?
한편, 상필은 문숙을 순자의 재판장으로 세우는 데 성공하고, 재판은 한 치 앞도 예측할 수 없는 반전의 소용돌이로 빨려드는데..
Después de que le muestran la libreta, Oh-ju debe tomar una decisión. Moon-sook asume como jueza en el caso de una persona que pertenece a su círculo cercano.
Depois de ver o caderno, Oh-joo tem de tomar uma decisão. Moon-sook assume o papel de juíza no julgamento de alguém do seu círculo pessoal.