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Jim Henson Company

  • TheTVDB.com List ID 6766
  • Created By vincent2n
  • List Type Custom
  • Favorites 2
  • Created August 17, 2020 by
  • Modified October 17, 2023 by

Sam and Friends


Sam and Friends was Jim Henson's first television show, a five-minute show that aired twice daily on WRC-TV, the NBC affiliate in Washington, D.C. The show ran from May 9, 1955 to December 15, 1961.

Sesame Street


On a special inner city street, the inhabitants, human and muppet, teach preschool subjects with comedy, cartoons, games, and songs.



Sesamstraße ist der Titel einer der erfolgreichsten Fernsehserien für Kinder im Vorschulalter. Die halbstündigen Folgen setzen sich aus sechs bis zehn kleineren, meist thematisch voneinander unabhängigen Einzelbeiträgen zusammen, die eine inhaltlich zusammenhängende Rahmenhandlung unterbrechen. Neben sketchartigen oder lehrreichen Puppendialogen („Ein Kreis ist rund.“, „So bin ich nah, jetzt bin ich fern“), Trickfilmen und Kinderliedern gibt es oft auch Realfilmbeiträge über einfache Situationen aus dem Kinderalltag oder über die Herstellung eines Produkts. Die Sesamstraße wird dienstags bis freitags um 6:55 Uhr im NDR Fernsehen, montags bis samstags um 8:30 Uhr im KI.KA und sonntags um 7:15 Uhr im Ersten ausgestrahlt. Quelle: Wikipedia

The Muppet Show


The Muppet Show is a British-American television program produced by puppeteer Jim Henson and featuring Muppets. After two pilot episodes were produced in 1974 and 1975, the show premiered on September 5, 1976, and five series were produced until March 15, 1981, lasting 120 episodes. The program shows a vaudeville- or music hall-style song-and-dance variety show, as well as glimpses behind the scenes of such a show. Kermit the Frog stars as a showrunner who tries to keep control of the antics of the other Muppet characters (and his temper), as well as keep the guest stars happy. The show was known for outrageous physical slapstick, sometimes absurdist comedy, and humorous parodies. Each episode also featured a human guest star. As the show's popularity rose, many celebrities were eager to perform with the Muppets on television and in film.

Fraggle Rock


Somewhere in the world, there is a workshop owned by a an inventor named Doc and his Dog, Sprocket. While Doc spends his days coming up with new ideas, Sprocket is peering into a large hole in the baseboard. He knows that something lives behind the wall. Through the hole and down the tunnel, hidden from everyday reality, are brightly lit caves filled with wonderful creatures. This land, bound together by Magic, is called Fraggle Rock. The most notable of the creatures who inhabit this beautiful place are the Fraggles. Fraggles are furry, have tails, and come in all sorts of colors. The Fraggles spend their days laughing, splashing, running, singing, playing games, and telling jokes. They live by a simple care-free code.

Muppet Babies


Muppet Babies was a very successful cartoon series in its own right. This show basically featured Jim Henson's famous Muppets as babies. Each episode, each of the Muppet Babies had adventures that their imaginations take them on. Often however, their imaginations would sometimes get the better of them, all for comic effect. The featured Muppets were Baby Kermit, Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, Rowlf, Animal, Scooter, and a new character, Skeeter, Scooter's look-alike sister. Occasionally they had visits from Baby Bunsen and Beaker, and even Statler and Waldorf came to visit, and later we see a recurring appearance by a "baby" version of Bean Bunny from Tale of the Bunny Picnic. The moral glue that held these Muppets together was Nanny (voiced by Barbara Billingsley of Leave it to Beaver fame), a character whose body was only shown from the waist down and we all remember the green striped socks. The one thing that made the Muppet Babies memorable were not the Muppets themselves, but the

Fraggle Rock: The Animated Series


An animated version of Jim Henson's classic series.

Sesam stasjon


Sesam Stasjon var en norsk barne-TV-serie som ble sendt på NRK fra 1991 til 2000. Serien var basert på den amerikanske TV-serien Sesame Street som begynte i 1969. Handlingen i Sesam Stasjon foregår på en jernbanestasjon med et fast persongalleri på fem stasjonsansatte.

Muppets Tonight


Muppets Tonight is an American live-action/puppet family-oriented television series created by Jim Henson Productions and featuring The Muppets. Much like the "MuppeTelevision" segment of The Jim Henson Hour, the show was a continuation of The Muppet Show, set in a television studio rather than a theatre.

5, rue Sésame


Animé par la marionnette Nac, «5, rue Sésame» est un programme ludique et pédagogique, à destination des enfants âgés de trois à sept ans. Articulé autour de six séquences, ce magazine enseigne aux téléspectateurs en herbe des notions précieuses sur l'arithmétique, l'alphabet, la découverte du monde et l'entente avec les autres.

Muppets TV


Deux personnalités sont conviées par Kermit et ses amis, qui déménage de son théâtre pour s’installer sur un plateau de télévision.



Sesamstraat is de Nederlandstalige bewerking van het Amerikaanse kinderprogramma Sesame Street. Sesamstraat werd sinds 4 januari 1976 dagelijks (7 dagen per week) uitgezonden door de publieke omroep. In het programma, gericht op kinderen van twee tot zes jaar, spelen vooral Muppets mee, naast een aantal echte mensen. In 2019 werden voor het laatst nieuwe afleveringen van het programma uitgezonden. Op 28 juni 2019 maakte de omroep bekend dat er geen nieuwe afleveringen meer worden opgenomen, hiermee eindigde het Nederlandse kinderprogramma halverwege het seizoen van 2019.

The Muppets


The Muppets return to primetime with a contemporary, documentary-style show. For the first time ever, a series will explore the Muppets' personal lives and relationships, both at home and at work, as well as romances, breakups, achievements, disappointments, wants and desires. This is a more adult Muppet show, for "kids" of all ages.

Muppet Babies (2018)


Baby versions of Jim Henson's famous Muppet characters go on wacky adventures through their imaginations

Fraggle Rock: Rock On!


The Fraggles might be apart in separate caves, but they can still find ways to have fun together! Join Gobo, Red, Boober, Mokey, Wembley, and Uncle Travelling Matt for stories and songs that show everyone how we're all connected.

Muppets Now


In the six-episode season, Scooter rushes to make his delivery deadlines and upload the brand-new Muppet series for streaming. They are due now, and he’ll need to navigate whatever obstacles, distractions, and complications the rest of the Muppet gang throws at him Overflowing with spontaneous lunacy, surprising guest stars and more frogs, pigs, bears (and whatevers) than legally allowed, the Muppets cut loose in “Muppets Now” with the kind of startling silliness and heartfelt fun that first made them famous.

Earth to Ned


Ned, a blue-skinned alien, and his lieutenant Cornelius, are sent to Earth to scout the planet for an eventual invasion but instead they become obsessed with popular culture and decide to host a talk show, where they interview actual celebrities.

Bear in the Big Blue House


Bear and his friends live in the Big Blue House, where Bear helps his house-mates to solve everyday problems or learn new things.