Space Pirate Captain Harlock (Japanese: 宇宙海賊キャプテンハーロック, Hepburn: Uchū Kaizoku Kyaputen Hārokku, also romanized as Space Pirate Captain Herlock) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Leiji Matsumoto. It was serialized in Akita Shoten's Play Comic from January 1977 to June 1979, with the chapters collected into five tankōbon volumes. The series follows the titular Captain, an outcast turned space pirate after he rebelled against Earth's Government and humanity's general apathy. Space Pirate Captain Harlock was adapted into an anime television series in 1978 directed by Rintaro and produced by Toei Animation. A computer-animated film adaptation of the same name was released in 2013.
Returning to Earth from the front lines of an interstellar war, Captain Harlock finds that his home is no longer what he once knew. The Illumidus Empire, aliens from another world, have occupied the planet and oppressed its people. The sole hope that remains to the downtrodden Earthmen is a lone voice known to most only as "The Rose," yet is known much more intimately to Harlock as his former lover, Maya. While Maya urges her fellow humans to hold onto their belief in a better tomorrow, Harlock cannot wait for such a day to come. By chance, he meets a man named Tochiro Oyama, who despite having never met before, Harlock feels as though a brother. Together with Maya's voice and others who share their beliefs, Harlock and Tochiro seek to cast off the shackles of the Illumidus.
Captain Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years takes place in an undisclosed point in the future (the only reference to its date being a single reference to “the eruption of Krakatoa 700 years ago,” placing its approximate date at 2583), after humankind has colonized the distant stars. But prosperity has corrupted the people of Earth, who have become corrupt and decadent. The Mazone, a race of sentient plants, hatch a plot to seize Earth after their own planet is destroyed. A lone scientist attempts to warn the people of Earth, but at the cost of his reputation and life. The titular Harlock is blamed for the various instances of the Mazones’ attacks upon the Earth, and, despite being an outcast amongst his own people, plans to stop the Mazone and save humanity from the alien threat with aid from Princess Olivia, next in line to throne of Millennia, the Mazones’ supposed allies in the invasion.
既知の宇宙の終わりへの考古学的な任務で、大場教授は無意識のうちにその範囲から古代の恐怖を解き放ちます。 5年後、悪意のあるエイリアン軍は、アルカディアのさまざまな乗組員を再会させて再び星を航海し、タダシ・ダイバを初めてハーロックに会わせる計画を開始しました(再び)。
遥かなる未来…あるいは、遠い過去のことかもしれない。他の銀河にまで進出し、数多の植民惑星を開拓した人類であったが、異星文明との共存もついに果たせず孤独であった。いつしか衰退し始めその勢力を失いつつあった人類は、発祥の地である地球への帰還を望むようになった。 しかし、宇宙に広がった人口は5000億を超え、地球に住める数は限られていたため、地球居住権を巡る争いは血みどろの大戦に発展。それは「カム・ホーム戦争」と呼ばれた。 人類はこの戦争を調停する為、「ガイア・サンクション」という統治機構を生み出し、地球は【永遠の聖地として、何人たりとも立ちいることは許されない】聖域となり封印された。 前に進む意欲もなく、帰れぬ故郷を遠くに仰ぎ見ながら、緩やかな”滅び”に身を浸す日々。今、人類は後悔の時代を生きていた。 そんな時代に反抗し、宇宙の深淵を旅し続ける男がひとり。不滅の肉体を持ち、100年の長きに渡って連合艦への襲撃を繰り返す海賊。広域指名手配S-00999。その男の名はハーロック。
宇宙大フロンティア時代。機械化人に支配されつつある地球でウォーリアス・ゼロはかつての友であるハーロック達の討伐命令を受ける。死んだ家族を思い、悩み苦しみながらも、自分の進むべき答えを見つけるために旅立つゼロ。同じく、そのことを知ったハーロック達もそれぞれの運命をこの宇宙で追いながらも、友としてゼロを迎え撃つ決心をする。だがゼロはこの宇宙を旅する間に、新しい真実と大きな影に気づくこととなる。友とは? 仲間とは? 機械化とは? 敵とは? 時間とは ?命とは? そして愛とは? 運命の時の輪を巡るゼロの戦いの旅路が今、始まった!