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Dororo [Adapation]

Dororo (どろろ) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by the manga artist Osamu Tezuka. Tezuka's childhood memory of his friends pronouncing dorobō (どろぼう, "thief") as dororo inspired the title of the series. Dororo was first serialized in Shogakukan's Weekly Shōnen Sunday between August 1967 and July 1968, before being cancelled. The manga was then concluded in Akita Shoten's Bōken'ō magazine in 1969.

English 日本語
  • List ID 14647
  • Created By toni kaku
  • List Type Custom
  • Genre Action
  • Favorites 1
  • Created November 23, 2022 by
    toni kaku
  • Modified November 23, 2022 by
    toni kaku






The film's storyline has some major differences from that of the manga, most notably Dororo being a young woman, as envisioned in the video game, assuming the identity of a man. In spite of others seeing through his brash and often violent exterior, Dororo rarely concedes to his true emotions and refuses to be a "proper" woman. Hyakkimaru and Dororo are significantly older than their manga incarnations, as well.



時は戦国。 醍醐の国の主である景光は、 ある寺のお堂で十二体の鬼神像に領土の繁栄を願い出た。 それと引き換えに生まれた景光の世継ぎは身体のあちこちが欠けており、 忌み子としてそのまま川に流され、捨てられてしまう。 時は流れ、鬼神は景光との約定を果たし、国には平安が訪れた。 そんなある日〝どろろ〟という幼い盗賊は、ある男に出会う。 それは、鬼か人か 両腕に刀を仕込む全身作り物の男〝百鬼丸〟は、 その見えない瞳で襲い来る化け物を見据えていた。