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English français
  • TheTVDB.com List ID 14190
  • Created By toni kaku
  • List Type Custom
  • Favorites 0
  • Created October 7, 2022 by
    toni kaku
  • Modified December 9, 2024 by
    toni kaku

We Were Tomorrow


Noah and Evelyn navigate through three lifetimes to unearth the truth about their destiny with Warrick and Siena, but their efforts to flee the dying world become complicated when Cain, an immortal, decides to hunt them down.



VS騎士ラムネ&40ファイアは、ラムネシリーズの「次世代」です。 ババラムナードの後には、CD-ROMゲームを提供する2人の奇妙な行商人の女の子が家にいます。 彼が「ラムネスの伝説」を打ち負かした後、女の子たちは彼のコンピューターから出てきて、彼をドキドキスペースに連れて行きます。 彼は、ドン・ジェノサイが大悪のアブラハムを復活させるのを止めなければならない英雄ラムネスの3番目の子孫です。 PQ、彼のアドバイザーロボット、そして2人のラムネスの巫女(パフェとカカオ)を伴って、彼はカイザーファイアメカを操縦しなければなりません。 しかし、彼は別のパイロットを必要としており、ダサイダーはその仕事のための唯一の男です! 彼らは一緒にドキドキスペースのさまざまなゾーンへの門を探し、他の友人や敵に遭遇します。 Lamunadeにフラッシュバックがあるのはなぜですか? そして、それらの間抜けな衣装を着た2人は一体誰ですか? VS Knight Lamune&40 Fireは、Knights of RamuneとしてリリースされたOVAシリーズ(Fresh)も生み出したテレビシリーズです。

VS騎士ラムネ&40 炎



Slayers: The Book of Spells


Lina Inverse and Naga the Serpent are once again journeying the world for personal gain, though as always, nefarious forces plot to tangle them up in mischief.

Three ldentical Strangers


In 1980 New York, three young men who were all adopted meet each other and find out they're triplets who were separated at birth. But their quest to find out why turns into a bizarre and sinister mystery.






業界大手のレコード会社「ガンダーラミュージック」で、 A&Rとして働く主人公・澄空つばさ。 担当アイドルユニット「B-PROJECT」のメンバーとともに、 様々なアクシデントを乗り越え 夢のJAPANドームライブも大成功! 次のステージへと向かうつばさと「キタコレ」「THRIVE」「MooNs」、 そして訪れる「KiLLER KiNG」との出会い。 「B-PROJECT」のemotionalなnext stageが今、幕を開ける――!



<ストーリー> 世界には表(フロント)があれば裏(リバース)がある。遥か昔からロンドンに於ける全死因の72%は、人々が見ることのできないドラゴンと呼ばれる“異形の存在”が関わっていた。だが、人知れずそのドラゴンと相対する人々がいた。ドラゴンの存在を見ることができるのは、フロント・ロンドンの“裏側”に拡がるリバース・ロンドンの住人だけ。 その中でも、選ばれし人々がウィッチ(魔女)/ウィザード(魔法使い)となり… <キャスト> ニニー・スパンコール:田野アサミ/新橋のえる:山田唯菜/バルゴ・パークス:土屋神葉/チーフ:平田広明/メイシー・バルジャー:早見沙織/ブルーノ・バングナイフ:小林親弘/オスシちゃん:引坂理絵

Devil May Cry




「僕の心のヤバイやつ」スピンオフ「ツイヤバ」もアニメ化決定 作者Twitterに公開されたショート漫画や小ネタがアニメに



A sikeres pszichológus személyes életében felmerülő problémákkal küzd.



Aishite Knight


Yaeko Mitamura is an 18 year old girl working in her father's Okonomiyaki restaurant. One day Yakko casually meets a little boy, Hashizo and his odd cat Juliano. Hashizo has lost both parents when still a baby and has been brought up by his elder brother. Hashizo's brother Go Kato is the lead singer of the emerging rock band "Bee Hive". When Yakko meets Go and his friend and "Bee Hive" member Satomi Okawa an unexpected series of events unfolds. Love, jealousy, rock'n roll and the sparkle of newly borned stars is what makes this anime so lovable.

Duplicate of 446860


If moderator could handle or answer to tickets then close them that would be great... (#62783 is opened without response since 6/15/22 3:46 PM)

Jeunesses Hitlériennes, l'endoctrinement d'une nation


Dans une Allemagne traumatisée par la défaite de 1918, Hitler et le parti nazi sortent de l'ombre. Dans les perspectives des élections de 1923, le parti fait appel à des jeunes âgés de 14 à 18 ans pour soutenir la campagne. Remplis d'enthousiasme, ils seront nombreux à adhérer à ce mouvement fédérateur plein de promesses. Ainsi naissent les Hitlerjugend, futurs soldats de l'empire. Entre discipline et préparation militaire, l'étau idéologique se resserre. En 1929, les Jeunesses hitlériennes comptent environ 17 000 recrues. En 1939, ils seront 8 millions à crier leur dévouement au Führer...

コリウスの夢 その 1



コリウスの夢 その 2



コリウスの夢 その 3



Rachel's Adventures


The crazy adventures of the one and only! Rachel! and her friends!

Trivial Pursuit (UK) (1993)


Une version britannique du quiz basé sur le jeu de société du même nom, animé par Tony Slattery. Dans ce programme, les candidats répondent à des questions dans les domaines de la géographie, du divertissement, de l'histoire, des arts et de la littérature, des sciences et des sports afin de gagner de l'argent et des prix.

Trivial Pursuit (US) (1993)


⚠ @moderators 🚨 Something is wrong with the following entries: Trivial Pursuit (UK) (1993) Trivial Pursuit (US) (1993) i'm unable to edit them, please fix that. Moreover, https://www.thetvdb.com/series/trivial-pursuit-1993 contains the themoviedb link of that entry (Trivial Pursuit (US) (1993)). ❗ Another thing, original language is english for both entries!



Based upon the popular DC character, Barbara Gordon dons the guise of Batgirl to fight crime.

Blocker Corps


The pilot Ishida leads a team of four super robots, created by Professor Yuri, as the best defence against the diabolical ocean-dwelling leaders of the Mogul civilization.



La Terra è invasa dagli Atlantidi, discendenti dell'antico popolo dei Moguru, risvegliatisi dopo un sonno millenario. Il dottor Hojo, studioso di storia Moguru, viene ucciso insieme alla moglie da sicari dell'antico popolo, prima che porti a termine preziose ricerche ma riesce comunque ad affidare i suoi progetti al Dottor Uri, capo dell'Organizzazione per la Difesa del Mondo. Il dottoro Hojo, ha progettato quattro straordinari robot che però possono essere pilotati da persone dotate di un potere speciale. Il dottor Uri, per realizzare il progetto di Hojo ordina di rapire alcuni ragazzi dotati del suddetto potere : Ylly, Yanosh e Yinta tutti dotati dell'Organo Ypsilon, il magico fluido che permette loro di controllare i 3 Robot giganti. Il quarto ragazzo arruolato è Yoshida, l'assistente del dottor Uri, che possiede anch'egli l'organo Y. Il giovane diventa il leader degli Astrorobot e controlla il quarto robot. Gli Astrorobot deve combattere Hellqueen, la malefica regina degli Atlantidi coadiuvata dai perfidi e servizievoli consiglieri Zanga e Gorosky. La regina muore nel corso della serie e viene rimpiazzata dalla sorella Sandra che guiderà i Moguru con altrettanto fervore.

Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken: Coleus no Yume


Rimuru performs a special mission given to him by Yuuki Kagurazaka.



The lives of an aspiring musician and a struggling police officer come crashing into each other in this powerful story about how one day can change everything.



The lives of an aspiring musician and a struggling police officer come crashing into each other in this powerful story about how one day can change everything.

Killing Stalking


Killing Stalking (Korean: 킬링 스토킹) is a South Korean manhwa written and illustrated by Koogi. It was published online in Korean and English by Lezhin Comics and won the ₩100,000,000 Grand Prize Award at the Second Lezhin World Comics Contest. A 3D animated series adaptation of the comic is in development.

Killing Stalking


The story follows Yoon Bum, a young, mentally ill man with a difficult past. After becoming infatuated with Oh Sangwoo, a peer from his time in the military who saved him from a rape attempt, he decides to enter Sangwoo's home while he is out of his house...

Love Is in the Air


A fiercely independent pilot fighting to keep her family business afloat starts to fall for the man sent by corporate to ground her operation forever.

Love is in the Air


A fiercely independent pilot fighting to keep her family business afloat starts to fall for the man sent by corporate to ground her operation forever.

Wizards Beyond Waverly Place


Justin Russo has chosen to lead a normal, mortal life with his family, Giada, Roman and Milo. But when Justin's sister Alex brings Billie to his home seeking help, Justin realizes he must dust off his magical skills to mentor the wizard-in-training while also juggling his everyday responsibilities — and safeguarding the future of the Wizard World.

La part du soupçon


Alice vit le bonheur ordinaire d’une mère de famille quand tout bascule : l’homme de sa vie, Thomas, le père de son enfant, est soupçonné d’être Antoine Durieux-Jelosse, l’homme qui a défrayé la chronique pour avoir disparu après avoir tué toute sa famille quinze ans auparavant. Depuis tout ce temps, la commandante Sophie Lancelle n’a jamais arrêté de chercher cet homme ayant commis l’impensable et elle est prête à tout pour le retrouver. Entre ces deux femmes que tout oppose, un homme crie son innocence.

La part du soupçon


Alice lives a normal, happy life as a mom, until her whole world is turned upside down: Thomas, the man of her life and father of her child, is suspected of being Antoine Durieux-Jelosse, the infamous assassin who vanished fifteen years ago after murdering his entire family. Years have passed, but Police Chief Sophie Lancelle has never given up her relentless search for the man who committed that unthinkable crime. She is determined to prove, come what may, that Thomas is that long-lost man on everyone's wanted list. Caught in the surge of doubt and suspicion, in the crossfire between two women opposed in every way, all Thomas can do is plead his innocence. But is he truly an innocent man presumed guilty or is it the other way around? Who is lying and who is telling the truth?

The Adventurers Of Modern Art


Documentary focusing on Parisian cultural life at the beginning of the 20th century

Les Aventuriers de l'art moderne


Au moyen d'illustrations, d'images animées et d'archives de l'époque, le film retrace les hauts et les bas, les scandales et célébrations, les tragédies et triomphes ayant façonné cette période inouïe de l'art moderne depuis le sous-sol du Bateau-Lavoir en 1900 jusqu'aux derniers frémissements de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale.



Plot kept under wraps. Described as an R-rated musical comedy about the misadventures of two pilots.

The Murdaugh Murders


A determined reporter interviews the infamous Alex Murdaugh (Chris McGarry) and hopes for answers pertaining to the alleged murders of his wife and son.

Murdaugh Murders: The Movie


South Carolina attorney Alex Murdaugh (Bill Pullman) becomes the prime suspect in the double homicide of his wife and son.



An heiress to a dynastic racing team is thrust back into the family business and the hard choices she must make about the future of the team and her family’s legacy.

Fourth Wing


Midnight Sun


Animated series based on the novel of the same name, which is a retelling of Twilight from the perspective of Edward Cullen.

Cristin n' Loud


This loud make a noise

Rachel Sennott Comedy Series


A codependent friend group reunites, navigating how the time apart, ambition, and new relationships have changed them.

The Power : qui a le pouvoir?


Chaque semaine, le hasard désignera un participant comme étant le Power Player, qui aura tous les pouvoirs dans la maison et décidera qui dort où, qui mange quoi, qui a tel privilège ou tel handicap. Mais il devra garder son identité secrète à tout prix. À la fin de la semaine, le Power Player désignera le player qui sera éliminé. Sauf si celui-ci démasque le Power Player, auquel cas c'est ce dernier qui sera éliminé ! Entre stratégies, alliances et coups bas, qui saura apprivoiser le pouvoir ?

Un spouçon


Qui est Isabelle ? Une meurtrière en série, une menteuse, une femme fatale ou une mère au foyer qui, depuis son plus jeune âge, a toujours dû se battre pour survivre ? C’est ce que veut comprendre la capitaine de gendarmerie Mathilde Delboscq chargée de l’enquête sur la mort du mari d’Isabelle, Pascal Bonnot.

Things Fall Apart


Story of Okonkwo, a fearless African warrior and leader who is resolute about preserving his people and culture. As British colonizers disrupt his world, Okonkwo’s struggle to maintain power and tradition spirals into a heart-wrenching confrontation. His fierce resolve, a fatal flaw in the face of unstoppable change, makes him an unforgettable character, embodying the tension between strength, vulnerability, and adaptability.

Escape to the Château: Secret France


Follows Dick and Angel on their adventures around the country they have made home.

Secret France with Dick and Angel


From scrumptious food and vintage finds to ancient traditions and unusual crafts, Dick and Angel Strawbridge venture beyond their château gates to explore France's hidden gems.

Nigel Ng: The HAIYAA Special


Uncle Roger and his nephew Nigel Ng present The HAIYAA Special, filmed on their sold out world tour. In this two-part special, Uncle Roger roasts the crowd, while Nigel delivers side-splitting commentary on life and culture. Allergic to MSG and inappropriate jokes? You've been warned.



The Game of Thrones creator is exec producing a TV adaptation of Roadmarks from sci-fi novelist Roger Zelazny, which is development at the WarnerMedia cable network. The adaptation comes from Kalinda Vazquez, who has written on Star Trek: Discovery and was a co-exec producer on Fear The Walking Dead. Vazquez, who was named after a character from the original Star Trek TV series, will write, exec produce and showrun the adaptation. The book was written in the late 1970s and published by Del Rey in 1979. It is about a highway that can travel through time, linking all timelines and places together for the very special people who discover it. Some might use it to explore the vast mysteries of the world, but for others…the road might be their only hope to survive, rewrite life-altering mistakes, and create a better future for themselves and the ones they love.



A brilliant but cocky Atlanta rapper thinks he's found his way to stardom when he links up with hip-hop's hottest group; but he has no idea they are hiding a terrifying secret: they are a family of vampires with roots going back centuries.

Masacre de los Mormones


Tres mujeres y seis niños, todos ciudadanos estadounidenses, son asesinados en una comunidad mormona transfronteriza en México.

Aegon’s Conquest


Aegon's Conquest takes place hundreds of years before Game of Thrones, following the aftermath of the Doom of Valyria that left the Targaryen exiles with no home to return to. With access to the last surviving dragons in the world, the Targaryens have the opportunity to face off against a divided Westeros with practically no defenses. At the head of the three Targaryen dragons, Balerion stands the tallest.



A live-action/CGI hybrid film based on Nickelodeon's "Rugrats" series.

The Mirror and the Light


Continuing on from the BBC adaptation of Hilary Mantels “Wolf Hall” (2015) the series continues the story of Thomas Cromwells rise and fall in the royal court of King Henry VIII



Au pays de Chamoux, il y a des femmes puissantes des années 2020 incapables d'obtenir une augmentation, des agentes secrètes hyper performantes qui s'ignorent, des copines qui écoutent sans en avoir l'air et des femmes qui croient à la télékinésie, des filles qui comptent vite et bien, des filles qui parlent trop bas et des filles qui pensent trop haut. En fil rouge, Elise Lucide, une reporter d'investigation insatiable et sensationnaliste, pur produit d'un PAF à l'ancienne qui compte bien rapporter au spectateur l'essence la plus pure de cette terra incognita : l'humour féminin. De la vie de couple aux soins palliatifs, des écoles aux Comedy Clubs, "Chamouxland" est un voyage aux confins du post-moderne, post-féminisme et post-Me-Too.

The Road Trip


On an epic road trip to a wedding in Spain with her sister Deb, Addie nearly collides with a speeding Porsche. Forced to give her ex, Dylan, and his best friend, Marcus, a lift, the gang are stuck on the most awkward road trip imaginable.

Walt Disney World Happy Easter Parade


The Walt Disney World Happy Easter Parade was an American television special that was broadcast annually on Easter Sunday on ABC from 1985 to 1999 as the Easter counterpart to the Disney Parks Magical Christmas Celebration. Like its sister broadcast, the program was primarily taped at the Magic Kingdom's Main Street, U.S.A. with appearances from various Disney characters, celebrities, student performance groups from around the country, and highlights of new attractions at the American resorts.



After waking up from a freak car accident, Sonny discovers that his mother has been replaced by an impostor.

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold


It is 1962: the height of the Cold War and only months after the building of the Berlin Wall. Alex Leamas is a hard-working, hard-drinking British intelligence officer whose East Berlin network is in tatters. His agents are either on the run or dead, victims of the ruthlessly efficient East German counter-intelligence officer Hans-Dieter Mundt. Leamas is recalled to London- where, to his surprise, he’s offered a chance at revenge. But to get it, he may have to stay out in the cold a little longer…

Tokyo Gold


A daily, comprehensive look at the most compelling performances of the day during the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games, including in-depth stories, expert analysis, and athlete interviews.

Hold On For Dear Life


The series centers around a young tech founder, Mel, as she launches a token named after her best friend, Aveer, who disappeared. Mel and a squad of misfits – Elvis the crypto anarchist, Bear the lambo-bro, DiNo the digital nomad, Liberty the opensource purist and Satoshi – give their all in pursuit of Mel’s vision for the Aveer token. To do so, they must overcome enemies, centralized powers, and FUD (Fear Uncertainty Doubt).

The Time-Life Bloopers Collection


A series of videocassettes released by Time-Life video in the late 1990s.

Thunder Point


When newcomer Hank Cooper arrives to the town of Thunder Point to attend an old friend’s funeral, he is surprised to learn that he’s been left a beachfront property which has become the center of a town dispute. Cooper soon finds himself with a community’s destiny in his hands as well as a lot of unanswered questions. Never being a man to settle in one place, Cooper finds himself drawn to both the town, and Sarah Dupre, a woman as complicated as she is beautiful.

Who Killed Diana?


This series will explore the circumstances surrounding the death of the Princess of Wales on August 31, 1997. It will feature rare and, in some cases, the first ever interviews with several key sources connected to the accident that caused Diana’s death. It will cast new light on the case that has captured the world’s attention for decades.

A Prender La Compu


Un curso de computación para adultos mayores. Un joven profesor y una alumna muy curiosa demuestran que nunca es tarde para prender una computadora.

Duplicate of #454545


This entry is a duplicate of Mistletoe Murders

White Rabbit, Red Wolf


developing a project called White Rabbit, Red Wolf, an adaptation of Tom Pollock’s dark thriller about math, murder and mind for HBO. “The adaptation needs to be faithful to the spirit of the book but not necessarily [made] from a blueprint. If you look at what Damon Lindelof has done with Watchmen, there’s always an opportunity to reinvent and reimagine the source material, which is what excites me,” Moran told Deadline.

Aurora Rising


The Warriors


In the near future, a charismatic leader summons the street gangs of New York City in a bid to take it over. When he is killed, The Warriors are falsely blamed and now must fight their way home while every other gang is hunting them down.

Something Is Killing The Children


When the children of Archer’s Peak begin to go missing, everything seems hopeless. Most children never return, but the ones that do have terrible stories—impossible stories of terrifying creatures that live in the shadows. Their only hope of finding and eliminating the threat is the arrival of a mysterious stranger, one who believes the children and claims to see what they can see. Her name is Erica Slaughter. She kills monsters.

Death Comes as the End


Set in Ancient Egypt, a young woman suspects her priest father may be tied up in the death of a concubine.

Totally Spies! Live Action


The live-action adaptation follows best friends Clover, Alex, and Sam as they balance saving the world as spies with the ups and downs of starting college, showcasing their girl power, friendship, and staying true to themselves.

Run Faster


The 30-day cross-training challenge! Tinman Elite athletes swear by strength coach Chris Lee’s workouts. Now you can do a version of the Tinman program — at home — so you can get faster than ever. This DVD video workout program includes: 8 full-body sessions that are all under 20 minutes. Strength and mobility workouts modeled after the winning method that has allowed Tinman athletes to dominate running events across the country. Advice for how to pair the workouts with hill, speed, and long runs. You’ll need a pair of dumbbells, a chair, a small resistance band, and a towel.

Mariana Teste


Testando 123

Generation Gifted


Generation Gifted is a documentary series that takes a unique look at social mobility and the factors which affect it in Britain today by filming with six highly promising children, who are all from families on low incomes, over three critical years. The series explores the challenges facing these children as they progress from ages 13 to 16 and sit their GCSEs.

Growing Up Gifted


Growing Up Gifted is a documentary series that takes a unique look at social mobility and the factors which affect it in Britain today by filming with six highly promising children, who are all from families on low incomes, over three critical years. The series explores the challenges facing these children as they progress from ages 13 to 16 and sit their GCSEs.

Warhammer 40,000


Warhammer 40,000 is set in the far future, where humanity stands at the edge of what might be its brightest future, or its darkest age. The threats to humankind’s empire are many: traitors driven by the fires of ambition, alien empires sworn to reclaim the stars and the corruption of reality by malevolent gods.





A spin-off series in the Dexter universe focusing on the backstory & life of Arthur Mitchell AKA the Trinity Killer. Plot TBA.

Nanashi Kaidan


The collection of horror short stories center on those uneasy feelings of "something out there" that children sense in their lives.

Shaman King Flowers


Asakura Hana's monotonous life takes an unexpected turn when a family feud erupts, challenging him to battle for supremacy within his own clan, igniting excitement he craved.



La Terra risulta devastata da una catastrofe, denominata la "Grande Catastrofe", avvenuta undici anni prima, che distrusse una parte significativa del mondo ed uccise numerosi abitanti. La catastrofe fu accompagnata dallo scioglimento dei ghiacciai che ha riportato alla superficie Atlandia e con essa i suoi abitanti, gli Angeli delle Tenebre, una specie alata che era rimasta latente per 12.000 anni. Lo scopo di queste creature è quello di rapire gli esseri umani, chiamati con disprezzo Esseri senza ali, al fine di estrarne il prana, la loro bioenergia, indispensabile per la sopravvivenza ed il sostentamento degli Angeli delle Tenebre. La popolazione mondiale si trova così a dover subire continui attacchi da parte delle Bestie mietitrici, ovvero enormi esseri capaci di catturare con estrema facilità gli esseri umani. Queste particolari macchine sono spesso accompagnate da giganteschi robot, chiamati Soldati Cherubim. Contro questo potente nemico le armi convenzionali sono del tutto inefficaci, spetta quindi alla DEAVA, sotto il comando di Gen Fudou, proteggere l'umanità intera. La DEAVA grazie all'utilizzo degli ultimi ritrovati tecnologici e, soprattutto, alle Vector Machine ritrovate sul fondo dell'oceano, funge così da ultimo baluardo degli uomini. I tre Vector, chiamati Vector Luna, Vector Mars e Vector Sol, sono in grado di unirsi dando origine all'Angelo Meccanico Aquarion, un gigantesco robot. I Vector possono ricoprire il ruolo di testa (e torso), del tronco (e dorso) o delle gambe del robot. Verso la metà della serie fanno la propria comparsa anche i Vector da assalto, nati dalla collaborazione fra la DEAVA e le Nuove Nazioni Unite. Questi Vector, caratterizzati dal colore nero, hanno la stessa struttura base dei Vector originali, ma, a differenza di questi, quando si fondono nell'Aquarion sono equipaggiati con armi da fuoco (cannoni e missili), invece che con armi tradizionali (spada o arco). I Vector da assalto prendono il nome di Vector Alpha (c



Follows an investigation into serial killer Jurek Walter after one of his presumed victims turns out to be alive.

The Beauty


Partners Drew Foster and Kara Vaughn investigate "the Beauty" STD causing aesthetic effects but proving lethal, evading corrupt officials and a mercenary targeting them amidst a suspected government conspiracy.

Ms Rachel - Toddler Learning Videos


Toddler Learning Videos and Baby Learning Videos with a real teacher, Ms Rachel! Ms Rachel uses techniques recommended by speech therapists and early childhood experts to help children learn important milestones and preschool skills! You can trust Ms Rachel to provide interactive, high quality screen time!

Ms. Rachel


Join Ms. Rachel as she models first words, key milestones and language development strategies. Talk, learn and move with your little one!

Bleach : Thousand-Year Blood War


Alors que les Shinigamis enquêtent sur les causes de disparitions, à Karakura, un nouvel ennemi apparaît face à Ichigo. Des appels à l'aide lui parviennent aussi depuis le Hueco Mundo et Ichigo se retrouve à nouveau plongé au coeur du conflit.



A “Holes” TV series has been ordered to pilot at Disney+. The potential show would be based on the book of the same name by Louis Sachar, which was previously adapted into a 2003 feature film by Walt Disney Pictures.






A young man wakes up in the middle of the night, but the line between dreams and reality is way thinner than he tought.

Le Chaos


Une tragédie transformera à jamais la vie de jeunes adultes qui assistent au concert unique de leur idole. Certains y perdront la vie, d’autres y survivront. Mais à quel prix pour eux… et leurs proches ?

Chaos (2021)


Suivez le destin de jeunes adultes, fans du chanteur INVO, et leur entourage, dont la vie change de trajectoire lorsqu’une tragédie survient durant un concert.



Still in development

Renaissances (2022)


À la suite d’une transplantation cardiaque, Florence s'ouvre aux douloureux questionnements identitaires de sa fille adoptée, Zoé, en découvrant que sa donneuse, Ana, était elle aussi une enfant adoptée. Déterminée avec Simon, le père d’Ana, à élucider les raisons de sa mort mystérieuse, Florence espère que la compréhension de la destinée tragique d'Ana va l’aider à sauver sa fille en pleine crise d’adolescence...

Star (2021)


Bertan Başaran'ın yönettiği dizide gündüzleri oyunculuk yapan, geceleri ise seri katile dönüşen Yasemin'in hikâyesi anlatılıyor.

Secrets and Lies (2023)


Secrets and lies, love and betrayal, the power and corruption of power, friendship and its trials. A group of friends from adolescence, the "company of the moon stone", as they are called, Ryan, Panos, Nicholas, Eva, Nora and Daphne, begins her life by making dreams and trying to make them come true. Fifteen years later, around thirty, they face various situations every day, both professionally and personally. How many of their dreams will come true, which of them will be trapped in them and which dreams will become dust in the wind?

The Activist (2021)


One thing seems more clear than ever: Planet Earth is a singular village, demanding if not relying on individual engagement. From the Global Citizen movement comes an awe-inspiring look at what can come of it. The Activist pairs advocates from the worlds of health, education, and the environment with famous figures in a series of competitions that’ll take the winners -- and their ideas for seismic world change -- to the G20 Summit in Italy.



The documentary feature will follow his life on and off the field including being drafted to play baseball by the New York Yankees, starring in one of the greatest games in college football history, and winning two Super Bowls as a player and a third as an executive with the Broncos.

Magnolia Parks


The show follows the story of beautiful but neurotic London socialite Magnolia Parks and BJ Ballentine, the bad-boy lothario who broke her heart; moreover, it follows fellow London “It Girl” Haites, the heiress to a criminal empire who is desperately pursuing a normal life.



BEDROCK, a primetime animated adult comedy series continuing the story of everyone’s favorite modern Stone Age family, the Flintstones. BEDROCK catches up with the Flintstone family two decades after the original, with Fred on the brink of retirement and 20-something Pebbles embarking on her own career. As the Stone Age gives way to a shiny and enlightened new Bronze Age, the residents of Bedrock will find this evolution harder than a swing from Bamm-Bamm’s club.

Too Much


The series asks the question: do Americans and Brits actually speak the same language? The series is an ex-pat rom-com for the disillusioned who wonder if true love is still possible, but sincerely hope that it is.

Too Much


After a breakup, New York workaholic Jessica moves to London planning on being alone. She meets Felix who causes her to reconsider finding love again.

Subject to Change (2022)


A desperate college student signs up for a clinical trial that begins a wild, harrowing, mind and reality-bending adventure.

Æon Flux (2022)


Set in a post-apocalyptic near future where countries no longer exist, reduced to Spartan like city-states locked in perpetual war, where children are turned into lethal soldiers and every citizen carries a gun, one young woman rises up to rebel against her Orwellian government as she becomes the hero known as ÆON FLUX. A live-action TV adaptation of the animated series.

Camino Real


Camino Real is a movie starring Juliette Binoche. Feature adaptation of Tennessee Williams' play 'Camino Real'.

Lotto Gang (w/t)


La serie – liberamente ispirata ad una storia vera degli anni Novanta – racconta la storia di una ribellione e di una rinascita attraverso il genio e la voglia di riscatto di una donna, emigrata dal sud Italia, moglie frustrata e impiegata di un comune dell’hinterland milanese e di un gruppo di suoi familiari, amici e colleghi, tutti outsiders in cerca di un’opportunità per uscire dall’anonimato di una vita periferica. Insieme mettono in piedi la più geniale truffa mai concepita al gioco del Lotto, il più popolare sogno degli italiani ed un pilastro delle finanze dello Stato. E tra successi e delusioni, desideri esauditi e sogni infranti, dovranno vedersela con la feroce e pericolosa avidità della criminalità organizzata e con l’intuito investigativo di una coppia di poliziotti che tenteranno di fermarli.

Alexander: The Making of a God


Alexander was King of the ancient Greek city of Macedon widely considered to be one of history's greatest and most successful military commanders and by the age of 30 had created one of the largest empires in history.

Alexander The Great


Alexander was King of the ancient Greek city of Macedon widely considered to be one of history's greatest and most successful military commanders and by the age of 30 had created one of the largest empires in history.

Lake Success


Centers on narcissistic, self-deluded and hilariously divorced from the real world hedge fund manager Barry Cohen, who flees his family, his past and the SEC on a cross-country bus ride in search of his college girlfriend and a last chance at romantic redemption. Meanwhile, back in Manhattan, his brilliant wife Seema struggles to raise their autistic son and begins a tragicomic love affair of her own.

Sleeping Dogs


An undercover cop works to take down the Triads in Hong Kong.

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Développer une application Android


Vous avez toujours eu envie d'apprendre à développer une application Android? Comme une application Facebook? Ou Twitter? Alors cette série d'émissions à la fois ludiques et pédagogiques est faite pour vous! Accompagnés du légendaire développeur Umberto Emonds, apprenez par vous-mêmes à développer l'application de vos rêves.

Monsters of Dawn: God's Liar


In the center of the plot is a teenage girl suffering from epilepsy and narcolepsy who received the gift of seeing otherworldly forces on her 16th birthday.

Boons and Curses


In the magical land of Maya, a cosmic war is on the horizon. The Raj and his monstrous army threaten to destroy any who stand against them! The universe itself hangs in the balance and our only hope is… 3 feet tall and made of butter. Claiming to be a cursed warrior from another time, Baan may have been transformed into solid ghee but he won’t let that stop him! Teaming up with Rani, a young thief with delusions of grandeur, Baan must use every arrow in his quiver if he wants to defeat the Raj.



Calabasas follows Via, a 16-year-old sheltered Midwestern Catholic school girl whose world is turned upside down when her family moves and she’s forced to transfer to the fast world of Calabasas High where nothing is as it appears and where everyone is trying to be someone else. It’s a place where dreams come true . . . but not without complications and sometimes unforeseen consequences.



Future Netflix series. Starring Keanu Reeves and directed by Carl Rinsch.