Kazetaro was arrested on suspicion of injuring Kanae. Ogino, who managed to capture Kazetaro with his own thoughts, pursues Kazetaro rigorously. In the interrogation room, he did not say a word, and Kazetaro, who was stunned and defeated himself, fell into prison with all his resentment. In that moment, a certain memory revives. It is a memory of the day I fled to the city as a child who committed murder for the first time. It was an encounter with an old man.
風太郎容疑者は金江容疑で逮捕された。 風太郎を自分の思いでとらえた荻野は、風太郎を徹底的に追う。 取調室では一言も言わず、唖然と敗北した風太郎は憤慨して投獄された。 その瞬間、ある記憶がよみがえります。 初めて殺人を犯した子供の頃、街に逃げた日の思い出です。 老人との出会いでした。