With both Ura Urashima and the newly transformed Yoko Kurama trapped in the ring, the true battle begins. Yoko finally shows himself, and unleashes an attack known as the Death Tree. Yoko Kurama demands that Ura Urashima tell him the secret of the Idunn Box. Ura says he doesn't know, and that he only joined Team Uratogi because Shishiwakamaru promised him riches. Yoko knows he's lying, and threatens to kill him. Ura finally starts telling the truth. He says that he's not even Ura Urashima,and both Kuro Momotaro and Makintaro weren't who they seemed either. That they were together when Shishi and Onji showed up, and he's about to say something else when a sword flies into the ring, and hits Ura, changing into a wolf-like creature. As the smoke clears, we see that it was Shishi that threw the sword. Juri then declares Kurama the winner. Shortly after the smoke clears, Kurama turns back into his regular form. The teams both roll their dice, and for Team Uraotogi, it's none other than the
Kurama retrouve ses anciens pouvoirs et montre à Ura Urashima toute l'étendue de sa puissance. Effrayé, Ura Urashima commence à révéler ses secrets.
Kurama riprende i suoi vecchi poteri e travolge Urashima Nero grazie a una forza notevolmente superiore. Spaventato, l'avversario inizia a rivelare i suoi segreti.
Surge o demônio raposa, Kurama Yokou que elimina o oponente baixinho. A próxima luta é de Kuwabara versus Shishiwakamaru. Na caverna, Yusuke termina de absorver o legado de Genkai e adormece.
Con Ura Urashima y el recién transformado Yoko Kurama atrapados en el ring, comienza la verdadera batalla. Yoko finalmente se muestra y desata un ataque conocido como el Árbol de la Muerte. Yoko Kurama exige que Ura Urashima le cuente el secreto de Idunn Box. Ura dice que no sabe, y que solo se unió al Equipo Uratogi porque Shishiwakamaru le prometió riquezas. Yoko sabe que está mintiendo y amenaza con matarlo.
En Yusuke afronta la prova definitiva per intentar assimilar la tècnica de l'esfera de la llum espiritual. Mentrestant, els seus companys continuen disputant les semifinals contra l'equip dels genis traïdors. Aconseguirà en Kurama guanyar el seu combat?
Kurama krijgt zijn oude krachten terug en overvalt Ura Urashima met zijn enorme overwicht. Ura Urashima wordt bang en begint zijn geheimen te onthullen.