Hiei continues his struggle against Kuro Momataro, who has just transformed to his second armor of beast, the Phoenix Armor. Kuro decides to show off by transforming into his third, and most powerful armor, the Wolf Armor. Kuro throws his last Steaming Sphere, and he turns into his hideous wolf form. Hiei draws his broken blade, and Kuro laughs, and tells him if his sword didn't work on the first armor, how could it work on the third. Hiei uses the power he stored for his Dragon of the Darkness Flame, and puts into his sword, creating the Sword of the Darkness Flame. Kuro jumps to bite him, and Hiei kills him in midair. Next, it's Ura Urashima vs. Kurama. Ura is a small boy who fights with a fishing pole. He starts swinging it in a circle, and Kurama does the same with his Rose Whip. They start having a whip battle, when Ura Urashima tells Kurama a sob story about his sick grandmother, and he was only on the team because Shishiwakamaru, the team leader, promised him riches through tele
Doté de la capacité de se transformer, Kuro Momotaro ne cesse d'accumuler les défis pour Hiei. Le combat entre Kurama et Ura Urashima commence.
Momotaro Nero affronta Hiei usando le sue capacità di trasformarsi per creare un'incessante serie di sfide. Inizia lo scontro tra Kurama e Urashima Nero.
Hiei tem suas energias esgotadas e fica impossibilitado de usar o Dragão Negro. Com o que restou da espada, Hiei faz uma nova usando as chama das trevas e, assim, liquida o oponente. A próxima luta fica entre Kurama e Uraurashima. O membro do time Uraotogi aplica um golpe que faz Kurama se transformar em sua forma antiga.
Hiei continúa su lucha contra Kuro Momataro, quien acaba de transformarse en su segunda armadura de bestia, la Armadura de Fénix. Kuro decide lucirse transformándose en su tercera y más poderosa armadura, la Wolf Armor. Kuro lanza su última esfera humeante, y se convierte en su horrible forma de lobo.
En Yusuke es troba dins d'una cova en una muntanya rocosa intentant superar la prova decisiva. Mentrestant, a l'estadi, en Kurama cau en el parany que li ha parat el seu oponent i es troba en una situació molt complicada.
Kuro Momotaro stelt Hiei voor de ene na de andere uitdaging met zijn mogelijkheid tot transformeren. Het gevecht tussen Kurama en Ura Urashima begint.