This episode starts with Jin in the air with his Double Tornado Fist ready for the kill. All of a sudden Yusuke says, ""Time for something stupid."" His body becomes surrounded with spirit energy. Everyone is surprised-Botan, Kuwabara, Kayko, Koenma. Then Jin attacks with the first tornado fist. Yusuke somehow catches the fist. Jin exclaims, ""No one can catch a tornado!"" Yusuke throws the fist, rendering it useless. When Jin attacks with the second fist, Yusuke catches it with his foot. He also makes the Tornado Fist useless. He yells, ""SPIRIT WAVE"" and a punch full of blue energy nails Jin right in the stomach. Jin goes flying in the air. The Masked Fighter explains that the Spirit Wave is like Yusuke's shotgun attack and that he must have learned it from Genkai. In the stands, Kayko is shocked, but Shizuru says, ""Let's move."" All of a sudden, a sparkle is seen in the sky and Jin's body comes crashing down in the stands. Koto makes a ten count, and Yusuke is the winner. Shizuru and Kayk
Le comité du tournoi change l'issue du match entre Jin et Yusuke. Kuwabara se lève alors pour défendre les couleurs et l'honneur de l'équipe Urameshi.
Il comitato del torneo cambia decisione riguardo all'esito dello scontro tra Jin e Yusuke. Kuwabara interviene per evitare che il Team Urameshi perda.
O time de Yusuke está em maus lençóis, já que os lutadores estão esgotados. Kuwabara, mesmo ferido, entra no ringue.
Este episodio comienza con Jin en el aire con su Puño Doble Tornado listo para matar. De repente, Yusuke dice: "Es hora de algo estúpido". Su cuerpo se ve rodeado de energía espiritual. Todos se sorprenden: Botan, Kuwabara, Kayko, Koenma. Entonces Jin ataca con el primer puño tornado. Yusuke de alguna manera atrapa el puño.
En Yusuke supera els atacs sanguinaris d'en Jin. Podríem cantar victòria... però els organitzadors es treuen de la màniga irregularitats que forçaran un nou combat.
De toernooicommissie verandert de regels na de uitkomst van het gevecht tussen Jin en Yusuke. Kuwabara stapt naar voren om te voorkomen dat Team Urameshi verliest.